Japan: Smart Green Homes on the Horizon

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Find more Earth Focus content at https://www.linktv.org/earthfocus Smart green homes are in Japan's future. Home Energy Management Systems are among some of the hottest technologies being developed in Japan to make households energy efficient and eco-friendly. Constantino de Miguel reports.


  1. Mine down deep in the earth preferably somewhere like antarctica where there is a source of really cold water that could be piped underground, add a huge array of peltier thermo electric generators, connect the heat from the earth to the hot side of the peltier and the pipes of the cold water on the cold side... 24/7 uninterrupted electricity
  2. Incredible. Smart Home is the way to go!
  3. why don't they just use thorium?
  4. smart homes and HEMS are a new world order technology to create a worldwide "technocracy", this is bad news, check it out for yourselves
  6. Country have rich oil hate this idea LOL hahahah. Japanese don't have any natural source, that's why they need update more technogy to survive. They're smart & hard working people!!!
    They made fun of Japan. In future, almost source from ground are dying, they're the only one save the people. If ppl keep laughing & make fun of them. I can say you need to shut up & open you eye.
    Their inspirits of working & create is NO JOKE!!!
  7. Great idea to use the car for backup energy storage. Great car size too. On the other hand, the reduction in energy use afforded by these things is not enough. And raw materials to make all new stuff is harmful to the planet. I would be impressed if they said everything was made from recycled materials.
  8. But if Fusion works out, nuclear energy will become extremely enticing!
  9. 11:10 "But Japan is not the same after the Fukushima disaster. Government and society agree that nuclear power has to phased-out in a country prone to earthquake."
    They shut-down their nuclear reactors, then opted for another source of energy. And their government, altogether with the society as well as many major company marching toward environment-friendly energy source.
    This is an appropriate mental attitude. How their willingness to overcome limitation has push them harder and further in inventing technological breakthrough. No wonder if Japan will lead the world into green technology.
  10. These technological innovations are fabulous! What a pity Australia, with its abundance of solar energy, is so woefully behind the rest of the civilised world in harnessing it.
  11. The car rely on electric energy? where does the car energy comes from? solar?
  12. No Japan cannot be like that because look at the Population first in Japan
  13. i wish battery devices such as phones wouldn't be able to be discharged below 20% or be charged past 80% so as to prolong the batteries ability to hold a charge.
  14. I hope this spreads all over the world. More green on earth and in my wallet.
  15. some of this sounds pretty cool but I don't get the whole fridge says hello... wouldn't that just be a waste of electricity? I don't know about most but I just need it to keep things cold, not hang out and make me feel special. Also Where does the car's power come from? normally with electric cars you charge them from your house, but if it's power the house then it's not charging...My car can charge a little bit through brakes and such to create some power but no where near enough to not only run but power other things as well
  16. I totally love that tech..and I really hope that tech will be applied worldwide...Imagine...every house..factory...vehicle..using this clean energy...that will be amazing and healthy..
  17. how can you sterialise the radio activity? i believe it is possible
  18. I wish the United States would focus more on the environment.
  19. The Japanese are so smart! Using the electricity generated by the car to supply the home with energy is just so smart.
  20. This looks really nice, but do we have the technology to recycle all that fancy high-tech stuff safely at the end of its lifetime? Is high-tech sustainable on long term?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 302212

Duration: 12m 47s

Rating: 1571