Jason Silva: Dealing with Death

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How do we deal with death? In the second part of his premiere on EPIPHANY, Jason Silva discusses the philosophical challenges of mortality. For a daily fix of Jason, tune in all this week to EPIPHANY on THNKR. EPIPHANY is a daily series that invites impassioned thought leaders across all disciplines to reveal the innovative, the improbable, and the unexpected of their worlds. Graphics in this episode provided by the uber-talented Chiachi Lee: http://cargocollective.com/chiachi/ Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thnkrtv Follow us on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/thnkr/ Check out what we love on Tumblr: http://thnkrtv.tumblr.com/ The views expressed in this video only represent those of the participants. They do not necessarily represent the views or endorsement of @radical.media LLC or any other party involved in the production and distribution of THNKR.


  1. no 3 is Nietzsche essentially
  2. This isnt dealing with death, you just told me the truth.
  3. idiot alert
  4. what is according to you? not to every motherfucking book you read.
  5. I think the weird thing about this man is that after all the things that he put his hand on he stile saying "we" and "i" i mean did all this create it self they are saying its like if we put a monkey on a keyboard million years ago he will give as a shakespeare
  6. He's such an inspiration
  7. this guy is full of shit
  8. +THNKR 
    QUR'AN 75:3-4 Does man think that WE Cannot assemble his bones? Nay, WE are able to put Together in perfect order The very tips of his fingers.

    This when you turned into dust.
  9. ░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄          Bob is building an army.
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂           ☻/   This tank & Bob are against Google+
    Il███████████████████].      /▌    Copy and Paste this all over
  10. 'and so on and so forth' 'it doesn't work, basically' ..................???????????
  11. Jason Silva sucks!
  12. Agreed. Completely ignoring the spiritual and lumping it with religion. It's sad to see such a bright mind blinded by the trans-humanist movement. Here's to hoping he has an experience which makes him change course. We are already part of a matrix 3D reality. Why tie ourselves down with the laws of the physical, when we can take personal responsibility for our evolution, and ascend up into the higher dimensions? The answers lie within our dormant DNA, and the pineal gland. It's time to wake up
  13. Haha, the boom was supposed to be a provocation/trolling. I wrote it because the person I was debating with is arrogant. He's so sure that he's right, and doesn't even back himself up with anything else than ''evolution'', which is ironic if you know what evolution means. He then want's me to show the difference between spiritual and physical, to which I give quite an obvious answer (?). The boom was there because I ''destroyed'' him. It was supposed to piss him off, not you. Collateral damage.
  14. I didn't realize its been a week since this comment. I was actually talking about how Jason was saying that life after death was an illusion. He was "confidently asserting", but he doesn't know. In a way I was talking to you too, with the way you were saying that the spiritual isn't measurable. The "BOOM!" was really the only thing that bit at my nerves. So.. "BOOM!" what....? Humans can't measure the spiritual.
  15. I think we still would have children just not nearly as many. As for overcrowding, if we postpone death indefinitely then I doubt we will only live on one rock. I assume we will be on other planets, moons, star systems and free floating space colonies and what not. We would have less children but I don't think it would be because of overcrowding. As for the boring part, I doubt the cognitive opportunities will be the same in this time. It's still a noble goal and really the only goal to strive
  16. Whoever claims that we will become immortal is wrong! Whoever claims that we will never become immortal is also wrong! Whoever thinks that they are in possession of truths about the future are the ones who are the most deluded! We don't know, but we can try and we have evidence that supports the notion of technology becoming unbelievably powerful. If you think that powerful technology exists now, think about exponential growth: That technology will be millions of times more efficient in 20 years
  17. Please, enlighten me, what am I so confident about? What have I stated as absolute truth?
  18. People like you are so arrogant, it's disgusting. I don't give a flying flaming fuck about the social standing Jason has made for himself, it's foolish to confidently assert something you don't know about, like life after death. The human mind is so limited, and the logic we think of as irrefutable may loose it's structure in places and situations of our own physical universe. Can you measure EM radiation with a graduated cylinder, for example? Or velocity with a scale?
  19. If we could live to be immortal there would always be something to keep a person wanting to live your view is not a very realistic most people that accept death are religious people that truly believe they will go to heaven but myself i think thats very questionable. I would love to grow with technology and in time be a pioneer exploring the universe that's something that i don't think i would ever get sick of. The possibility's are endless that's my drive for immortality to become a real thing.
  20. Not all religions have a heaven, not all religions believe in the persistence of your current personality, family etc. He makes the common, pedestrian mistake of confusing Spirituality with the Abrahamic religions, ignoring Hinduism, Buddhism, Paganism, Tao and the rest. Coming from one with a rep as a deep thinker, this is disappointing. Some of this sounds straight out of Cylonville in Battlestar Galactica...

Additional Information:

Visibility: 50394

Duration: 2m 8s

Rating: 546