Jeffrey Wasserstrom: "China in the 21st Century: What Japan Needs to Know"

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For students of history, it has been a very worrying year. The world's second- and third-largest economic powers are at loggerheads over territory, diplomacy and history. Relations between China and Japan have corroded alarmingly. The Japanese media regularly rehearses scenarios for limited war with its huge neighbor. Public support for Japan among Chinese has fallen to historic lows. Tokyo's decision to nationalize three of the five Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands has added fuel to an already dangerously smoldering fire. One of the key questions for observers of this faltering relationship is, "how much of China's outrage is manufactured -- and can it be controlled by the government?" A long-time analyst of Chinese affairs, Jeff Wasserstrom says Beijing must deal with an increasingly clear fact: dissatisfaction with Japan no longer translates cleanly into popular nationalism."Increasingly, driven by greater information transparency and reforms decades in the making, many Chinese are rejecting the selective memory of official media, and the idea that patriotism precludes criticism of the government." The author of the acclaimed "China in the 21st Century: What Everyone Needs to Know", Wasserstrom is Chancellor's Professor of Modern Chinese and World History at the University of California, Irvine, and also serves as editor of the Journal of Asian Studies. He is the author of four books, the most recent of which are "Global Shanghai, 1850-2010" (2009). What Everyone Needs to Know..." has just come out in an updated second edition. His commentaries and reviews have appeared in a wide range of newspapers and magazines, including the Wall Street Journal, Time and The New York Times. Come along and hear what a veteran analyst has to say about this vital subject.


  1. 这白皮说的东西完全是为了迎合日本鬼子,日本鬼子越喜欢听这种东西中国就越高兴!
  2. 21:17 10th point is very good, but we can't just bully China then nuke her when she doesn't fall in line like we did with Japan. Let's hope the Chinese rise is not as bloody as America's & Japan's were.
  3. 14:01 Maybe US & China are not so different.
  4. This so call an american professor invited to japan to give a talk show. i strongly believe that now a day in US indeed a financially breakdown and the most corrupted and political dirty nation in the world. professor in the classroom in US are nothing more than a cleaner cleaning a public toilet in the city. Well, Japan and the roger US has one thing in common is that they are both a very aggressive peoples and often looking for loopholes in any of the country and try hard to intervene their internal policies in hope to create a out of control chaos and rob them clean in the process. The Japs have had done the same in the period of ww2 , they have not robbed and raped and burned the victim's house , they have also done all sort of atrocities to the babies and new born as a way to grorified its history and culture of the Japanese peoples. and now the US although as a master of the current Japs which is nothing but a pet dog will do everything to please the american by inviting them to talk bad of others and praised very high of themselves. this video talk show is nothing more than a whales caught by the Japs and slice into pieces when alive and push out to the market to sell...Cruel and Ignorant pigots get together for a group sex parties after the show.
  5. The guy knows shit about china history and culture...Anyone in the world would get china wrong if they don't think out of box, the box is the western thinking logic
  6. In this October, China's president Xi Jinping visited the UK, and he boasted of Chinese history in his speech in British Parliament. British lawmakers ignored him thoroughly without even once applause. In British royal family dinner, Xi Jinping openly repeated ill of Japan in his speech, and he was snubbed by all guests.
    On the other hand, in the streets, British people were raising placards which are written "FREE TIBET !".
    ★This is the common sense of the world.
  8. One is wrong, already, even the higher position still get punish. this video is anti chinese.
  9. It's not the Japanese people, it's the Japanese Imperial Family, Zaibatsu, and military leadership. The same Imperial family who sent an army into China are still ruling over Japan, the same military leaders who condoned the war crimes are still venerated, and the Zaibatsu who profited from those wars are still prospering.
  10. 一个娘娘腔美国人在这里放屁
  11. they only talk about communist party. they ignore REAL feelings of the Chinese people. 
    WW2 is REAL 
    Nanjing massacre is REAL
  12. another typical western views on china thinking the world exist, works or prosper only by western ways, one should listen to a scholar from a civilised culture that sweep/wipe Aborigin off their land rights and life when the interest is served for so call mordernisation? this is so ridiculous.
  13. how much did your bank account profit before and after this presentation??? sudden surge??? I hope just like mine, can't match inflatation.
  14. all assumptions, no indept knowledge, no substance, empty talk..
  15. stupid japanese shit, stop using our 'hanzi' your so call kanji. japanese copycat really makes me sick!!!
  16. the years gone when people pray for american for solution...since for last 20 years, which ever countries took the mercy from america is now if anyone is still believe in american...he must be retard...nevertheless japs are pretending to listen to american...haha...
  17.  On15, August、1951, Mr. Zhou Enlai wrote   for   San  Francisco  Meeting"Diaoyu  Islands  belong   to   Japan."  In September 1951, San  Francisco  Meeting   decided   "   The   sovereingty   of  Diaoyu  Islands  belong   to   Japan,  and   its    administrative   rights    belong    to    the   US  Government, "  1951年8月15日、周恩来為旧金山会議写「関於美英對日和約草案及旧金山会議的声明」総理写「日本應帰還的領土不包括釣魚島、釣魚島是帰属於日本」。1951年9月、旧金山会議決定「釣魚島的主権是属於日本、施政権是属於美国」。中華民国政府行政区画表明記「釣魚島是日本領土」(1971年改写前)
  18. US  writer and director ( Chris Nebe) has produced a historical documentary. Search --Youtube  ( Truth of Diaoyu Islands ) for viewing. Hopefully as more people around the world know about the truth, military conflict and blood sheds can be avoided
  19. There is governmental corruptions in ALL GOVERNMENT.  What did Nixon do?
  20. You know I don't understand why the US continue to send their airforce to fly near
    China.  How would we like it if Chinese airforce fly near Seattle, Portland or San Francisco?
    We are sooo two tongue.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 17281

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 39