Johann Schleier-Smith on if(we)'s data science architecture

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Watch more from the O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference: Johann leads if(we) with partner, co-founder and long-time friend, Greg Tseng. Under Johann’s leadership, if(we) conceived, developed and refined Tagged, a social networking product supporting 300 million users in over 200 countries. With balanced interests in software development, data science, product design, and building businesses, Johann works closely the team to meet the trends of 21st century social life, always keen to adapt cutting-edge technology to internet-size and internet-speed applications. Johann holds an A.B. in Physics and Mathematics from Harvard University and pursued a Ph.D. in Physics at Stanford for several years, before leaving to fully focus on his entrepreneurial career. He is also an advisor to the Immunity Project, a non-profit initiative dedicated to developing a free vaccine for HIV/AIDS. Outside of the office, Johann can be found riding waves while kitesurfing in summer, and riding snow in winter. For more information, visit: Software architecture is a massive multidisciplinary subject, covering many roles and responsibilities, which makes it challenging to teach because so much context is required for every subject. It's also a fast-moving discipline, where entire suites of best practices become obsolete overnight. The O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference is a new event designed to provide the necessary professional training that software architects and aspiring software architects need to succeed. A unique event, it covers the full scope of a software architect's job, from IT to leadership and business skills. It also provides a forum for networking and hearing what other professionals have learned in real-world experiences. Stay Connected to O'Reilly Media by Email - Follow O'Reilly Media:


  1. Check out our playlist of keynotes and interviews from the O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference:

Additional Information:

Visibility: 1000

Duration: 4m 26s

Rating: 10