Kanye West - "Famous" (Unofficial Official Video)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Written, Directed, and Starring Big Bud, Lil Bud. Aziz Ansari and Eric Wareheim Buy full album: shop.kanyewest.com Big Bud, Lil Bud Productions INC. Kanye West - Famous | Official Video


  1. fucken idiots worst video ever fuck you both fuckeng ugly asf
  2. is that one guy from Big bang theory?
  3. lol funny but cool video
  4. Who is here because of "BOM BOM BILLA BOM BOM" ?! 😂😍
  5. I love this man
  6. So this is what Aziz is doing when he moved to Italy after season 1 of Master of None
  7. Fucking Aziz "Tom Haverford" Anzari in da house
  8. the censored version is not as funny as the original version
  9. Glad u made this because my mum wouldn't want me watching u know what.
  10. It sounds like Rihanna at the start
  11. hurensohn
  12. Make a quick buck sharing your feedback with big brands at coolopps. com
  13. I've loved you more than your caaahndyyy😋
  14. VT9 Biricchino
  15. love it
  16. love this song its fire 🔥🔥🔥
  17. 0:28-0:38 I HATE YOU
  18. i love kanye
  19. i love koy

Additional Information:

Visibility: 15285584

Duration: 3m 21s

Rating: 77587