Landscape Architecture and Digital Technologies

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

While the potentials of digital technologies are well documented in architecture and engineering, their application in landscape architecture design practice is far less understood. This video highlights how digital technologies are reshaping design and making in landscape architecture. It highlights the role of the digital model in encouraging a new design logic that moves from the privileging of the visual to a focus on processes of formation, bridging the interface of the conceptual and material, the virtual and the physical. - Credits Design & Animation Brock Hogan & Tom harper Client, Lead Researcher & Curator Dr Jillian Walliss, University of Melbourne Researcher Wendy Walls Music Bobby Bravington Narration Brock Hogan Built by Placemark. - About the book. Landscape Architecture and Digital Technologies Re-Conceptualising Design and Making Jillian Walliss and Heike Rahmann Drawing on interviews and projects from a range of international designers, including Snøhetta, Arup, Gustafson Porter, ASPECT Studios, Grant Associates, Catherine Mosbach, Philippe Rahm, PARKKIM, LAAC and PEG office of landscape + architecture among others, Landscape Architecture and Digital Technologies explores the influence of parametric modelling, scripting, real-time data, simulation, prototyping, fabrication and Building Information Modelling on the design and construction of contemporary landscapes. This engagement with practice is expanded through critical reflection from academics involved in landscape architecture programs around the world that are reshaping their research and pedagogy to reflect an expanded digital realm.Crossing critical theory, technology and contemporary design, the book constructs a picture of an emerging twenty-first century practice of landscape architecture premised on complexity and performance. It also highlights the disciplinary demands and challenges in engaging with a rapidly evolving digital context within practice and education. The book is of immense value to professionals and researchers, and is a key publication for digital landscape courses at all levels. Purchase the book from Amazon -


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 389

    Duration: 5m 20s

    Rating: 15