LGR - Cities: Skylines Snowfall Review

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Taking a look at the second expansion pack to Cities Skylines! What are the snowy new features and is it worth the asking price? Find out in this overview of the pack! ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews http://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● My PC Specs: http://lazygamereviews.wordpress.com/2011/02/10/pc-specs/ ● Download the cities shown in the video: http://steamcommunity.com/id/phreakindee/myworkshopfiles/?appid=255710 ● Music used in order of appearance: "Tobaggan" by Silent Partner SimCity 4 OST https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1cDX3YvSzU


  1. My review of the third Skylines expansion, Natural Disasters, is now up!
  2. It'll be awesome if someone could mod in seasons, with the snowfall buildings simply turning off during Summer
  3. best Canada simulator...
  4. There needs to be a Canada Simulator
  5. From working in Chicago for a couple of years, all I know about cities and snow is that if you're not homeless, you don't get to complain about the cold.
  6. ...Flying Toasters? Was that an After Dark pun?
  7. whats soo finish about this game it must have the signature finnish building Saunas because everything can be more finnish with Saunas, rumor has it any Finnish servicemen in international aid will immediately prop Saunas
  8. Someone made a Tim Hortons in Cities: Skylines!? Must find!
  9. It's pretty safe to say that the vanilla game was a pay-for, polished ALPHA version.
    The only difference is: these publishers are not scum! 29,99, so that you don't have to wait another 2 years? SURE!
  10. I bought Snowfall on sale for the trams.

    So I don't really care about the snow :D
  11. they're gonna turn your feet into a piece of artwork.
  12. I knew I did good to subscribe.
  13. Is no one going to mention the boat power sliding into dock at 3:20 ?
  14. Best Canada Simulator! XD
  15. Cars don't slip or skid on the roads.
  16. those trams tho, im getting this dlc just for that.
  17. i cant believe that i paid 15 dollars for the snowfall pack before i just now learned snow is only available in the snow themed maps, god dammit!
  18. I'm Canadian, and this mod depicts Canada exactly the way it is
  19. I love how he used Simcity 4 music in a Cities Skylines game review xD
  20. Cities skylines is basically catching everything they missed out on/didn't do quite as well and fixing it post haste. I mean, they practically covered all their bases last time. How do they top NOW!?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 180565

Duration: 6m 57s

Rating: 4882