Lifestyle Christianity - Movie FULL HD ( Todd White )

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"Lifestyle Christianity!" | This feature length movie takes you into four normal days of the life of Todd White. Get a behind-the-scenes perspective on how Todd White represents our King with every breath that he has. You can help us reach more people with this message! Become a monthly or weekly partner with Lifestyle Christianity today and receive the Lifestyle Christianity Movie on a USB drive as our gift to you.


  1. evolution!
  2. I love your videos. So good.They are full of God and so full of the Holy Spirit.I always feel god .
  3. Todd, will come to Russia, I need the practice!
  4. Todd how can god deliver me from heroin addiction? I've struggled a long time and I've tried everything. I can't get more than 6 months off drugs. I have a strong faith and I still struggle I don't know what to do.
  5. Todd, thank you for showing us how to be bold and unashamed.
    I would like to make a correction, though. Christians are overwhelmingly genereous, particularly American Christians. We have built schools, hospitals, orphanages and churches with our money throughout the world.We feed people around the world with our money.We bring medicine and doctors to the world with our money.
    Take American Christian money out of the world and things would start collapsing.
  6. I just love how Jesus uses Todd White to reach people to reach me I can relate so much I would just so much enjoy meeting Todd White .
  7. i pray all Christians live like this myself include We could change the world.
  8. Todd, this is amazing man. Thank you. As a young believer myself & getting to hear you in person for the first time at Warrior Fest 2, I can truly see your love & passion; not only for Jesus, but for people. In my 21 years of living so far, I've not seen anyone as passionate as you. That's cool. I pray that you will indeed upload more of these movies. You're helping to impact an entire generation with your boldness. Again, I say thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit & being willing to be the light to the world in the midst of darkness.
  9. That's so powerful man, god bless u more and more!! Seeing this video made me different! Thanks!
  10. Please cut your hair. It is wrong for a man to have long hair
  11. That is what us cristans need to be like."People are going to hell and I can't stand it!"-Todd white. I'm in youth and I cried!✝✝✝✝✝
  12. Todd, I've ran across your name before, but never clicked. This time I clicked. You are a beautiful person who passionatly shows the love of Jesus. Seeing the impact of God's work on the people you came in contact with was an awesome sight. You represent our Lord with all your heart. In the end, Jesus will say to you "well done good and faithful servant". God bless you Todd.
  13. Sooo Good! Love this life! Thank´s for sharing brother! :)
  14. Time for Christians to pray for people outside of the church. I pray we all embody this and reach people outside our church click. Let's bring Jesus to them! 🙌🏻❤🙏🏻
  15. awesome
  16. awesome and great video
  17. Jesus I love you and thank you
  18. you are awesome got me to tears God bless you
  19. you are awesome got me to tears God bless you
  20. WAUW.
    Last thursday i was ready for God to give my life back to him.
    Todd you are my a exaple to me.
    You inspirent me.
    Thanks man.
    Hugs and blessings.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 419486

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 7038