LIME DECO Interior Architecture & Hotel Renovations

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

LIME DECO Interior Architecture & Hotel Renovations Comfort outdoor living Decoration with elegance Combining materials with style Importance to the inner and outer views Attractive rooms for your guests Extraordinary design for outstanding hospitality Designing luxury & leisure Attention to details Creating cozy corners Areas harmoniously integrate between sea & sky Mixing modern & classic Open spaces with positive vibes High-end amenities & advanced design Ergonomic simplicity Interiors that make your guests feel the ultimate comfort Our clients are unique... That's how we treat them "LIMEDECO" 44 ALOPEKΙS st, 10676, KOLONAKI, GREECE T: 2107223157


  1. oraio maro!!
  2. Very nice!
  3. LIME DECO Interior Architecture & Hotel Renovations 

Additional Information:

Visibility: 674

Duration: 1m 46s

Rating: 14