Little Rome: Eritrea's capital Asmara seeks UNESCO heritage recognition

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*In an often forgotten corner of the Horn of Africa, Eritrea's capital boasts one of the world’s finest collections of early 20th century architecture and the authorities want it declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.* When Italy's colonial experiment in Eritrea ended in 1941, it left behind an array of Rationalist, Futurist, Art Deco and other Modernist styles in Asmara, a city whose historic art has changed little since the Italians lived and worked there. This. The "Miami of Eritrea". ERI… READ MORE : Africanews is a new pan-African media pioneering multilingual and independent news telling expertise in Sub-Saharan Africa. Subscribe on ourYoutube channel : Africanews is available in English and French. Website : Facebook : Twitter :


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Visibility: 6533

Duration: 1m 31s

Rating: 10