Liverpool Rotating Wall Art

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Film of Richard Wilson's artwork in Liverpool featuring a rotating section of wall in the old Yates's Wine Lodge building next to Moorfields Station.


  1. We stopped and stared, amazed at the work, its creation and to think of a meaning ... I don't remember where we got to with that.
  2. Someone just pointed me to this video. Why had this artwork completely passed me by all those years ago? Well captured.
  3. Thanks for the comment Craig!
  4. I just remembered this, and wanted to find my footage of it, but sadly it is long gone. Decided to google it and found your video. Much better angle that mine. 

    I remember being completely blown away by this. 
    Thanks for sharing :)
  5. Fucking awesome, ph,sm.
  6. richard wilson angel mindfreak
  7. Richard Wilson is a genious, although it would look cooler if the outline of the circle was thiner...but...I think that would be very hard to achieve

Additional Information:

Visibility: 19984

Duration: 1m 25s

Rating: 18