Magnificent Glass House Property Tour in Ghent, NY

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The Gefter-Press House was designed by Columbia University professor/architect Michael Bell, and was modeled after two other glass homes: Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House in Illinois and Philip Johnson’s Glass House in New Canaan, Connecticut. It was also published in Masterworks of the 20th and 21st Centuries by Kenneth Frampton. As you explore this Modernist masterpiece you’ll discover how special and important this home is in the world of architecture. Plus, you’ll see how a home can inspire a connection to nature and peaceful living.


  1. This video popped up and I thought `who's this guy? he seems fake as you can get'. Then I realised he's an estate agent and it all made sense.
  2. i love the uncluttered emptiness, nature is the art here but i'd prefer more visual,less blokey games.
  3. Needs more flora and art around it. Looks boring without something to catch the eye.
  4. looks like a cell

Additional Information:

Visibility: 7637

Duration: 2m 59s

Rating: 47