Make a sculpted dog cake

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Elisa Strauss of Confetti Cakes sculpted her dad's labradoodle for his birthday. Make the fur using a fur impression mat: For online classes:50% off the list price: NEW: Learn to make this dog for 50% OFF: More info: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Craftsy: Music: Devil in the Detail by Paul Mottram


  1. That cake is awsome!! Great talent.
  2. You make it look so easy! Then I actually think about it and realize I'd mess up just baking the cake!😂
  3. Thats absolutely amazing. I bake myself, but this falls under the category Michaelangelo. :)
  4. Memories
  5. Awesome😍😍😍 the Head it's made of what?
  6. can you message me on here how to do the fur thanks.
  7. wwwooowww
  8. Muito bom
  9. And this cake is lookin scrumptious! Honestly it could be in a museum
  10. I love cake and dogs- perfect mix!!!!(Of ingredients!!😁)
  11. Its wonderful and also cute
  12. love it
  13. palabra en español
  14. that is the best cake i have ever seen in my entire life it is amazing i love it so so much
  15. dakujem za inspiraciu
  16. go slow
  17. This is really a state of the art!!! Amazing! Bravo!!!
  18. I will seriously buy that
  19. is fantastic
  20. es fantstico😁😁

Additional Information:

Visibility: 5522241

Duration: 4m 33s

Rating: 13642