Martin Fowler – Continuous Delivery

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Continuous Delivery has now become a central practice for effective software delivery organizations. This talk explains the essential of how it works, the role of a deployment pipeline, the difference between continuous delivery and continuous deployment, and some vital ingredients. It also covers the three main benefits of Continuous Delivery: reducing deployment risk, believable progress, and user feedback. Software Development in the 21st Century (Part 2 of 3) - Originally delivered at ThoughtWorks XCONF 2014 Help us caption & translate this video!


  1. Great Talk!
  2. Wow! Outstanding talk, so clear to understand , Thoughtworks are really pioneering this field
  3. Are the slides of this talk available?
  4. Nicely explained..!!
  5. Nice article

Additional Information:

Visibility: 31275

Duration: 17m 7s

Rating: 294