Masterpieces: A Frank Lloyd Wright Documentary Trailer

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction


  1. hola amigo, thank you so much for your devotion for Frank Lloyd Wright... we expected that you continue creating and filming these extraordinary documentaries... I consider at least two films that we all can see... the first is about other Wright's buildings (not houses, because most of his work was private housing, and there are entire information about them, but less known are his offices, restaurants, schools, medical centers, etc etc... no more houses please !!! at least for a while, because he designed everything !!!) and the other one, about unrealized projects.!!! the are several impressive buildings that unfortunately never came to life... this one would be really interesting with 3d render animations, 3d models... you know... Thank you again.. and one last thing...can we make you a request?? please upload your films...!!! I only watched the trailers, no more.... we understand that you made an effort to realized them, but here in southamerica, we can't watch them..!! thank you and just carry on...!!! saludos desde ecuador...!!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 1383

Duration: 1m 58s

Rating: 20