Maya tutorial : How to model a simple Sci Fi building

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

In this request tutorial I will show you some modeling techniques that you can use when modeling a fantasy / sci fi building


  1. Thanks for not making this an unhelpful "speed tutorial'.
  2. nice !!!! its very helpful for my project thank you !!!
  3. download material ray or mia_x from google
  4. Hi Mike, it seems that you're doing the tutorial outdoors, enjoying the nature, I hear to clearly the birds songs, hehe, it is magnificent !! ..
  5. You make it seem so easy!! All you do is select one polygon and extrude and scale and reposition them and look at the master pieces you create !! While I am stuck here for 2 hours, trying to get to make a simple fortress :( Your videos are really helpful though ... Appreciate it :)
  6. umm how to get those hdr files? can you give the link please?
  7. when i try to bridge the edges to join 2 buildings, it didnt work, my software is maya 2016
  8. Sir, can u show how to move the elevator up and down using dynamics, i am noobie so i wonder it would be cool to use dynamics and then batch render to make a video :).
  9. nice tutorial MIKE n can u tell me that your image is seen very clear before render also but in mine img seems little roughfness n this is not only in this img but in every case
  10. The scale of the lifts ('elevators', if you must) is way way off compared to the rest of the building...
  11. Thanks for the tutorial!
  12. Mike man i tried everything but my Mia_x glasssolid materiel isn't looking a bit see through it's looking total pitchblack what to do??
  13. do u know why in my maya the mia preset glasssolid isn't looking glassy like yours? it's looking like full black without any reflection
  14. Heya. At 23:29, you indicate you can bridge these two holes. When I try it, one of two things happens:
    1) It tells me that I need to have the same number of edges selected on each side (which I double checked, and I did, each time). When I extruded the edges dramatically, I only saw those edges moved... though some of the edges looked like the "interior" edge instead of an exterior edge.
    2) I extruded a hole to make it easier to select specific vertexes, and when I made the bridge from there, each edge that I bridged twisted around into an "X".
    So it seems like some of the edges I'm selecting are the inside of an edge instead of an outside and I don't know how to fix this. :( Any tips?
    Addendum: I attempted to select all of the edges and "fill hole". Nothing happened, in spite of it stating: //Result: polyCloseBorder3
  15. Heya! I notice that at 2:12 you selected the top rim of faces by clicking on two of them. Can you tell me what short cut you used to select the rest of them automatically?
  16. HELP ...after assigning the mia glass material the object it becomes black and not looking like as yours which is transparent and shining. is that a problem or i should adjust any settings ??
  17. HI Mike and thanks for make this tutorials come true, and by the way greeting from Colombia, in this video I noticed that sometimes you did not use the magnets or snaps to move the object, Remember my friend you can use this by pressing the Insert key, then pressing the V key at the same time, and then pressing and keeping hold the mouse center button, you can move the pivot an object specific point, and then if you want to align it to the grid, you simple press X key, and then pressing and keeping hold the mouse center button, you can move the object to the grid and continue working. That's only a suggest I just made, but I am really glad to have found you channel, it is really interesting and I've learnt a lot with your my Teacher.
  18. Do you have a tutorial on advance UV mapping for low poly houses?If u have can u pls provide me a link?thnx in advance
  19. How do you get the material mia_x?
  20. where i take models to make game (programme)

Additional Information:

Visibility: 23586

Duration: 37m 58s

Rating: 199