Mega Engineering: Dome Over Houston (S01E01)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

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  1. why not just make a icosphere and use triangles instead of hexagons since they are more stable, maybe its a design flaw?
  2. It's incredible. Somehow someone's taken Fuller's ideas and used them to the letter while corrupting the basis upon which they're built. Eden is innovative and incredible for several reasons, but this is just insanely stupid.

    How would a dome solve anything? It would be very hot inside despite convection current movement of air (which would remove only some heat on its own but would be especially limited with a city interrupting it), with heat given restricted opportunity to escape, reflected off the ground, and no natural wind or movement of air to cool the environment, The electricity bill would be absolutely enormous, not to even mention what would be required for ventilation itself. I'm not even going to go into the insane price of building the fucking thing, restricting growth of the city, and a whole host of new problems that would develop as a result of the dome itself.

    The one use the dome might have is for hurricane protection, but hurricanes that aren't going to damage the dome are ones you can protect against for far less money. I don't think the people who made this even understand hurricanes and super cells. ETFE on an iron space-frame (even in a dome shape) is not going to be strong enough to protect against more ferocious storms, especially since ETFE is prone to puncture by sharp objects. Yeah, flying debris won't be an issue then.

    Also: anyone who's been on an airship or balloon will tell you two things: they do NOT stay in place well, not having anywhere near the same stability as a crane; and they have to be light to function, so you're talking proportionally enormous airships for comparatively small weight.

    ..I tried to stop the ranting, but this was so infuriating I couldn't stop myself...
  3. how about an earthquake? it would probably rip the dome apart.
  4. I live in Houston still no fucking dome
  5. Earth is a Dome A dome inside a dome lol. Look up Flat Earth
  6. 90° that's nothing in LA and Las Vegas. also won't a dome act as green house
  7. the simpsons already did this shit
  8. nobelas turcas
  9. Your hurricane is rotating the wrong way. Northern hemisphere hurricanes rotate counterclockwise.
  10. This is very stupid....
  11. Cool but terrible idea. This is the kind of thinking that got us in this mess in the first place. There are so many green building techniques out there for heating and cooling your home without A/C that are cheaper than a billions of dollars dome.
  12. as millions must have said already, Springfield, TX?
  13. Magnificent . . . But in reality the city will probably just buy a decent insurance policy covering any environmental damaging and make the people of Houston pay for it with taxes.

    Bit mundane, but hay! its easier than doing some work.
  14. Wow. What a pile of fear mongering horseshit. If it's so bad then here's a tip that won't even require a dome. Move! Lots of room in Michigan or Manitoba where it's nice and cool and no hurricanes. And they'd be happy for all the talent, money and investment people would bring.
  15. This is past ridiculous!!!!!
  16. Lol let's trap the ghetto in the dome,
    It'll be one big Alief
  17. u g?
    hell ride
    sk8 dstry
  18. This video is soooo American. The constant music, sound effects and intensified "omg, disaster, we're all gonna die!!!" moment over and over, ad infinitum. And the fact it will never be built (in Houston).
  19. Repeat footage, time and time again, fuck sakes,

    so, where is this dome ? when was construction begun ? lol, fucking dreamers
  20. missed the part where they would build during a hurricane or even support it lol impossible.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 191579

Duration: 42m 26s

Rating: 626