meiji #3 - Chocolate house making kit

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Product name: ミルクチョコレートの家 (It cost 1000 yen.) Brand: meiji (1) It is edible. (Chocolate, Wafers etc.) 1:55 Those tiny beads are edible too. We ate it after filming. It took 7 days to eat it all. (2) 2:12 The trees are inedible.


  1. if i had that kit I would just eat the chocolate and sweets and just leave the Waffes.
  2. Awesome!!!!! Ya
  3. 저한국인인데이거보고나서계솔보게됬어여~
  4. Attack on Titan
  5. Secome
  6. they sound like their hands are very shaky
  7. so yummy
  8. これHIKAKINも作ってた
  9. جربتها لوليدي ياه في عيد ميلاده
  10. 😀😀😀😀
  11. Can we exchange our hands? ;;
  12. มีสั่นเลยอะ
  13. I love your tweets but you are so good at what you do
  14. If i bought this id probably eat the pieces separetly and never finish it
  15. very tasty indeed.
  16. So.
  17. 作ってみたいけど細かい作業、苦手です(>ω<乂)
  19. so cool better than a gingerbread house 😄😄😄
  20. Casi me como la Pantalla

Additional Information:

Visibility: 47073863

Duration: 2m 24s
