Mercedes Arocs Neo SLS Future Truck

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Lego Technic Mercedes-Benz Future Truck Competition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Short Description ----------------------------- My model of Mercedes­-Benz future truck takes into account the principles of Mercedes­-Benz and Lego Technic in coming up with the probable Lego Technic 'Mercedes Arocs Neo SLS truck' model. Mercedes­-Benz: Bright history of trucks, First to bring Gull-­wing Doors, Autonomous Future Truck, Futuristic aesthetics and design appeal, Leader in innovative automotive solutions. Lego Technic: Ingenious Building, Functional model systems of real life machinery, Complex building made easy to be explained with a cue of childish fun. Elaborate Description -------------------------------------- The Truck has been designed keeping in mind the history of Mercedes Trucks and the ingenuity of Lego Technic Building. Mercedes first brought Gull Wing Doors into Market through the 300 SL. Now, it will be the first to do so in 'Trucks'. The 'Mercedes Arocs Neo SLS' ­ Truck of the future, according to me, will have Autonomous as well as Manual Driving System, which have been incorporated as functional Technic Elements in the model. It has a 'LEGO Hand of God' steering wheel that rotates when tires are turned mimicking the autonomous driving ability of the real truck. The Cabin interiors are minimal with automated Cock Pit and very Ergonomic Seat that can move freely which are exemplified in the Technic Model. The Truck runs on Electricity provided by the Battery or Solar Cells in the rear, or by the functional Engine behind the cabin that can also be converted to a Jet propulsion engine. The battery is charged when the Truck runs on alternate power system. The truck is built having many points of attachment which can be used to carry varied cargo or machinery. The attachments could be tippers, trailers, towing equipment, pneumatic arms, airfoil equipment delivery mechanisms for speedy public transport, etc. The design and aesthetics are enhanced by low energy consuming LED lighting wherever possible. Photo Link:


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 254

    Duration: 1m 35s

    Rating: 1