Miami, Florida Travel Guide - Top 10 Must-See Attractions

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction Miami is a city located on the Atlantic coast in southeastern Florida and the county seat of Miami-Dade County. The 42nd largest city proper in the United States, with a population of 408,568, it is the principal, central, and most populous city of the Miami metropolitan area, and the most populous metropolis in the Southeastern United States. The most important places to visit in Miami are: Ocean Drive (the yearlong party atmosphere makes Ocean Drive the most exhilarating place in the United States), Art Deco Architecture (nowhere else in the world would you find such a concentration of colorful Art Deco style buildings), Vizcaya Museum and Gardens (a national historical landmark. It is a European style villa surrounded by lush gardens), Everglades (a unique natural environment. Get close and personal with alligators. Airboat rides are highly recommended), Beaches (some of the country's best beaches are here, and clearly the most fashionable) and many more. If you want to save time and money, the most important Miami travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.


  1. GTA 6
  2. Miami = Northern Cuba
  3. Viscaya is in coconut grove not coral gables
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  5. yay... I stayed in Surfside when I was there!  one of the best things I discovered on my trip was the Bal Harbor Sunrise omelette that I had for breakfast every morning at a cafe in that area.

    one of the things that I would say you guys missed is South Pointe Park... great views of the Miami skyline from there, good people watching and some classy restaurants.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 80352

Duration: 5m 42s

Rating: 219