Miami Skyline , downtown Miami FL , Florida , South Beach , Art Deco , Little Havana district tour

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

03/23/2010 Miami area tour .South Beach, Ocean Dr. art deco , Scarface mansion & hotel with chainsaw, Miami tour company.


  1. Crap music.
    No good for apartment life in Miami;  neighbors would call the cops!
  2. I could definitely see myself moving here and starting a family here!
  3. Maravilha ! ...De fato,voce aprender ou reaprender,a bem conviver com as possiveis variações do tempo.E mesmo com os altos e baixos da vida.E assim bem assimilar as diferenças da diferença.E voce se bem integra à esse complexo conjunto, das mais atuais das sociedades.E com esse senso de idèia,è possivel que voce se sinta diferente do que pensavas,e acreditas nas possibilidades.Lutar por um mundo melhor,è uma necessidade.Mas os contrastes da vida,existe e possivelmente sempre haverà.E voce è bem provavel,que faz parte deles.Mas è sempre importante,fazermos bom uso,da sensata consciência,e todo um grato respeito pela vida.
  4. I miss my home - best city in the world with Amsterdam ( mainly for the fact the government clearly demonstrates there can still be a safe functional society while having certain drugs legalized ) being the other in my opinion but I still need to visit Singapore. The other places that deserve mention include Vegas, Wild Wood, Houston and California. Sorry Hawaii but I based my list on entertainment options available and less things to do on an island with limited space.
  5. great vid
  6. love Miami, love Florida. IT'S THE BEST!!!!! <3
  7. This video remainds me that series Dexter! :) Best show ever!
  8. Wrong!!!!!!!
  9. really nice
  10. Miami can't compare to L.A right?
  11. Well I USE to live there and I was in hurricanes. It was so easy to live though a hurricane.Besides ever place in the world has something bad about it so it is not stupid to live in miami.
  12. I was born near miami but then I moved to new york.
  13. I love it, just loving it.
  14. It's literally Los Angeles in the South.
  15. It's more like the Los Angeles of the South. Lots of similarities between the two cities.
  16. Miami hurricanes your stupid if you live there
  17. eh its alright, but give me a cabin in the mountains! with all four seasons. what is better than that?
  18. I like the water freeways
  19. Ima be here in less than a week, so dope
  20. florida sucks i hate it here only the beaches are great but living here is stupid i rather visit, i'm moving away soon im srry but it isn't the same anymore

Additional Information:

Visibility: 93648

Duration: 5m 5s

Rating: 171