Miami South Beach and Ocean Drive

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

A walk along Miami's South Beach and Ocean Drive. Including views of the beach and drive, the art deco buildings and the late Gianni Versace's mansion. Some of the sound quality is a bit poor unfortunately.


  1. South Beach is nice, but there are more places one can go, if you have money to spend of course, that are also worth going to. The city of Coral Gables in Miami is very nice, probably the nicest place to live anywhere. Coconut Grove. Key Biscayne. These places offer great places to eat, walk and shop, clubs, bars, parks, and hotels. Take a boat to the through the bay and have fresh seafood at a small island restaurant; only by boat. I'll admit, money is a must in order to enjoy the city more.
  2. i live in NYC and i love Miami, but after 3 days it gets so freaking boring. on the 4th day i am dying to go back. still... fisrt 3 days are the best, i love Miami. been there million times. :)
  3. tony soprano's brother?
  5. miami is the best city on this earth
  6. I love VEGAS. Miami is great too!
  7. U must be rich ..
  8. Yes mate, I've been to Hawaii, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Chicago - loved every minute.
  9. You are wrong :) I'm a Yorkshire lad through and through, I currently live in Leeds.
  10. nice .
  11. Nicely done.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 55204

Duration: 4m 34s

Rating: 30