Michael Hansmeyer: Building unimaginable shapes

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Inspired by cell division, Michael Hansmeyer writes algorithms that design outrageously fascinating shapes and forms with millions of facets. No person could draft them by hand, but they're buildable -- and they could revolutionize the way we think of architectural form. Michael Hansmeyer is an architect and programmer who explores the use of algorithms and computation to generate architectural form. Full bio: http://www.ted.com/speakers/michael_hansmeyer.html TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, global issues, the arts and more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages at http://www.ted.com/translate. Follow TED on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tednews Like TED on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TED


  1. why?
  2. The process described is not inspired "by nature", but by mathematics . Maths is generally agreed not to be a natural science, but rather a human-created philosophical system of describing phenomenon, very few of which are directly transferrable to evolutionary shaped forms that can be observed in nature. One way or another, folding a cube is as highly an artificial a process as it gets. I have to agree with my pre-posters: This has little practical value, it is art of art's sake. Which is fine by me if I see it in a spiffy SciFi movie, but certainly not in the building I work in. And that's not even addressing sustainability.
  3. Gross mutations ...
  4. Это только компьютерная визуализация.
  5. как это воплотить??? У меня много идей, а реализация ?
  6. good forms but i think the symmetry makes them static, almost as if to say theyve hit the uncanny valley of forms, parametric-ism however gives a more natural (nature like) appeal to forms .
  8. Away with the cold, uninspired, uncaring forms and patterns of the modern era. The architect as a biologist.
  9. This is purely decorative and shows little to no sustainable efficiency. This is NOT how nature works. This is inefficient, provides no new functionality and more importantly it just a waste of material and resources. Exactly opposite to how natural systems function. So for him to compare his flashy decorations to nature is just phony and idiotic.
  10. good explanation .... I like ....
    Within the imagination it is to take all the elements for development ........
  11. This guy needs to be in Hollywood working on movie sets not in the field of architecture.
  12. i have a very interesting drawing based on the symetrry of the square making a strange fractal shape
  13. It is very cool, but when they finally perfect it, the result will be traditional columns.
  14. Sadly, these are not forms of appeal. Artist please.
    Вдохновленный биоэпосом деления клеток, Майкл Хансмайер пишет алгоритмы  дизайна зверски увлекательных видов и формы с миллионами граней. Ни один человек не может составить их рукой, но они работоспособны. И они могут произвести революцию мировых архитектурных формаций и архетипов.
    Майкл Хансмайер архитектор и программист, который исследует использование алгоритмов и вычислений для создания архитектурной формы.
  16. NKS! Its like 3d NKS!
  17. Is there a way to do this in Blender? Can anyone tell me?
  18. Everything is nature. We are nature.
  19. What software did he use to create those forms?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 125302

Duration: 11m 8s

Rating: 1892