Modern Art Documentary ~ A Complete Guide

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Modern Art Documentary A Complete Guide ....Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Surrealism, Pop, Conceptualism; Oh my.... *A Herbert Kline film*


  1. Modern art haters are enjoying all the fruits of modern art.
  2. i adore francis bacon
  3. Why make a documentary and then drown out the narrator with obnoxious background music? Good subject matter, lousy film making.
  4. wewewewewee
  5. Thank goodness for flat irons.
  6. Man this is old and old thinking.
  7. Was Modern Art a weapon of the CIA? From BBC news:
  8. if modern art were more affordable everybody would have his collection .One can find paintings thrown out in the streets along with old furniture and other trash . I Suppose you need education to apreciate Art
  9. Art is the act of its own creation, the result will always be left open to interpretation.
  10. My historical specialty is The rise of Nazi Germany and the war.
  11. by the way was that a typo on that name Airbore!
  12. nice footage very informative "give me love to live for and art to die for"
  13. song of the beggining anyone?
  14. can anyone help me, what is chinese artist name? 41-42 min in
  15. Please go to Amazon Kindle books and check the advertising page for my amusing book “Modern Art a Portrait of Mediocrity.” Even if you don't buy the book, you can read an interesting selection, see the table of contents and check my good reviews.
  16. Orson Wells is a work of art.
  17. Modern art is disgusting and ugly. Degenerate. Good bonfire material
  18. holy shit i love orson welles
  19. Modern art = trash.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 219186

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 1046