Modern Atrium House - Remodeling House From Usual House become Energy Efficient and Modern House

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This modern house is known as Modern artium House. Modern Atrium House is a private residence designed by Klopf Architecture . It is located in Belmont, California, USA. The owners, inspired by mid-century modern architecture, hired Klopf Architecture to help them decide: remodel and add to a 1940s modern house or start fresh with an Eichler-inspired 21st-Century, energy efficient, all new home that would work for their family of three. To know more about it, check it out


  1. what an annoying music.
  2. Hmm, I don't see before and after photos, therefor I have NO idea how the house was transformed. As such, the video is utterly pointless, and the music was annoying

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2653

Duration: 11m 33s

Rating: 8