Moleskine Smart Writing Set tutorial

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Unveiling a new way to work, create and study with the Smart Writing Set. See how your handwritten notes are easily transformed into digital form, and can be edited and shared right from your smartphone or tablet. Find out more about the three tools that make up the Smart Writing Set – a specially designed “Paper Tablet” notebook, smartpen and App:


  1. So what happens after if all the pages of the notebook has been covered with notes? Do we have to buy a new one?
  2. can it erase your writings
  3. I only have 1 notebook, how do I put different pages another notebook I added on the app?
  4. It would be nice if the pen wasn't a crappy ballpoint and/or it was a stylus too.
  5. Is there way when you email or send something to not have the black dots that are on the notebook paper not show up?
  6. everlast note could do better imo
  7. awesome, it this available in India
  8. If i draw a mistake, can i remove it then?
  9. Just get a Samsung Galaxy Note (phone or tablet), a Samsung Chromebook Pro, an MS Surface tablet/laptop, or an iPad Pro.
  10. The pens can charge now!???! I feel old.
  11. Check out "Sony digital paper" it's much better than this one.
  12. I love it but it is expensive tho
  13. Is there any way you can actually erase on the paper? And do you have to have the app on while you're using?
  14. Wow
  15. Excuse me i dont speak a good english. I want to ask: is there a rubber for the pen to erase on the paper also? Thank u. very much. ;o)
  16. A question....Can I use this pen in a normal paper with the same results ora I must use only moleskine book?
  17. where can I download the app for WIndows 10?
  18. I don't know why Moleskine chose to set this tutorial up like an apple commercial with the kid's music suggesting everything is simple and the narrator who mumbles and who is barely understandable.
    Modern consumers are treated like idiots.
  19. nwo
  20. its a tutorial so i guess its not an ad but i do have ?'s

    do you need the notebook? deal breaker i need to know.

    does or does it not let you record changes when its not connected?

    is this only to CHANGES made, solace crossing out previously written text, merely would show crossing out digitalized but crossing out nothing because w/o the connection maybe it can't remember its SPECIFIC SPOT, and only any NEW spots?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 292836

Duration: 6m 47s

Rating: 954