MOLOCH Architecture Salt Lake City Library: LIVE DECODE

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

WEAR THE TRUTH New T-shirts: Support this channel with your purchase of the NOTHING WALLET. When you have to use money for SOMETHING, you need a NOTHING WALLET. Invented, assembled & shipped by Enterthe5t4rz Always Be Prepared With Survival Food for floods, earthquakes, extended power outages or martial law. Support this channel with your purchase of portioned, dehydrated food for compact transport: Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." Book of Enoch: CHAP. XLIIL 1. I beheld another splendour, and the stars of heaven. Splendour produced splendour; and their conversion was into the number of the angels, and of the faithful. They are names of the righteous who dwell upon earth, and who believe in the name of the Lord of spirits for ever and for ever. EnterThe5t4rz: Follow The Journey" Website YouTube Back Up Channel IfYouOnlyKnew Daily Motion Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Ustream EnterThe5t4rz Live


  1. dude if you want your PC to run better, you can start by uninstalling all of those browser plugins.

    thanks for your video.

    I have found a lot of owls in architecture. It bugs me out.
  2. Please do something on the whole full house/gateway to hell issue- the "aristocrats"/"dirtiest joke ever" thing. If I'm not mistaken, the park- "Alamo Square Park" seems to be in the shape of moloch also.... Makes since with the whole satanism starting in SF. I kind of feel like throwing up a lil right now...
  3. TheEyeOf MOLOCH!!!!!😱

  4. Its a shame about the Mormons. They do not even realize they are worshiping to some God other than the Christians. Same goes for Scientology. I guess religion is overrated. I've been in churches and walked out because of the teachings. Since I was a child I "knew" all of them were messed up in the to me...there is no right religion and there is no all leads to careful which "God" you worship tho. My church has been within my Temple (body) long as I never hurt anyone...I am good...:) Good video young man!! xxoo
  5. He never spoke about retrospective legislation for abortion. That's just scaring people. He was talking about if it was a law in the future. There are six years limitations anyway.
  6. Weird shaped buildings are always suspect.
  7. Are you familiar with The Groxt.. He maps out images through county lines , roads , illumanti symbols in movies , and commercials of end times
  8. Temples of Baal in London and New York... April. ???
  9. good work
  10. the bible says its the moon. beginning in the evening.
  11. romes callendar is manmade. friday venus freya. saturday saturn, sunday sun. we cannot know what day it is by the sun. only which season.
  12. nobody would carry a massive stone tablet for the date. the would look up to see the position of the moon and know the correct day of any week, month. not the sun.
  13. the evening and the morning were the first day and so on. with the rising new moon.
  14. i totally agree. and would add that the sun is for seasons and light bearing only. the solar callendar designed for trading. god created the moon for days and weeks. 13 weeks per season. the day begins in the evening and morning. with the new moon as day one. following the 28 day linar cycle.
  15. Type of vids it should say!!
  16. Def watching these type of Ida from u on big screen from now on! Can see it all so much better and what u r trying to show us! Can clearly see these images soooo much better now!
  17. do u think there's any of those symbols in Jamaica?
  18. You keep amazing me Casey! Great work again! Thank you, bless you and be safe 😊💞
  19. Some Biblical scriptures that anyone can look up revolve around certain themes. "When the leaders are evil, the people mourn" "They turn everything upside down" "When the clay that is formed says to the maker, why have you made me?""God will in no way pardon the wicked" "Those that practice a lie" (langoliers movie!)Throughout the history of the world secret societies have been in place using "Traffik".This is a two way street of information in exchange for evil deeds. The widow and the Fatherless come to mind biblically.  This is where a Fallen Angel or Demon tells people that riches or secret knowledge or whatever it is  to give power and control over others comes at a cost. This cost is sex majic, human sacrifice and the like. Get right with the only one true God. You must believe in Jesus Christ and repent of sins and turn from sinful ways. We are so close to the end of days, believe it!
  20. love your videos
    your being: antipolitics+antitrump; had me a little confused about the message... one should: disengage from the process; or at least; just ignore the amateur?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2212

Duration: 38m 26s

Rating: 77