Musée du Louvre (Paris) - A Virtual Tour through the Louvre Museum in Paris, France

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Musée du Louvre (Paris) - A Virtual Tour through the Louvre Museum in Paris, France The Louvre or the Louvre Museum (French: Musée du Louvre) is one of the world's largest museums and a historic monument. A central landmark of Paris, France, it is located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st arrondissement (district). Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 21st century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square meters (652,300 square feet). The Louvre is the world's most visited museum, and received more than 9.7 million visitors in 2012. The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace, originally built as a fortress in the late 12th century under Philip II. Remnants of the fortress are visible in the basement of the museum. The building was extended many times to form the present Louvre Palace. In 1682, Louis XIV chose the Palace of Versailles for his household, leaving the Louvre primarily as a place to display the royal collection, including, from 1692, a collection of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture. In 1692, the building was occupied by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres and the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, which in 1699 held the first of a series of salons. The Académie remained at the Louvre for 100 years. During the French Revolution, the National Assembly decreed that the Louvre should be used as a museum to display the nation's masterpieces. The museum opened on 10 August 1793 with an exhibition of 537 paintings, the majority of the works being royal and confiscated church property. Because of structural problems with the building, the museum was closed in 1796 until 1801. The collection was increased under Napoleon and the museum renamed the Musée Napoléon, but after Napoleon's abdication many works seized by his armies were returned to their original owners. The collection was further increased during the reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X, and during the Second French Empire the museum gained 20,000 pieces. Holdings have grown steadily through donations and gifts since the Third Republic. As of 2008, the collection is divided among eight curatorial departments: Egyptian Antiquities; Near Eastern Antiquities; Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities; Islamic Art; Sculpture; Decorative Arts; Paintings; Prints and Drawings. The High Renaissance collection includes Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Virgin and Child with St. Anne, St. John the Baptist, and Madonna of the Rocks. Wikipedia; More information;


  1. So bad it now became a muslim city
  2. You can probably spend a week in the's MASSIVE but wonderful
  3. you are one annoying bastard
  4. Hey, wonderful videos around the world !
    I would like to know if I can use some of those footages at the begining of this one.
    I'm working for a school and the video is about students who are explaining arts to visitors. I've got interiors but I'm lacking some rushes about the building.
    Those rushes about the exterior of the Louvre could fit perfectly.
    The video will also be uploaded in youtube, it's to show to people what you can do in the school in the art section.
    Thank you, have a nice day.
  5. Nice tits on that statue at 1:46
  6. I actually have seen Mona Lisa and have taken a selfie with her portrait when I went to louvre and have seen 90 of these statues and pictures
  7. fantastic
  8. I see Tom hanks running in the far left corner! The albino opus dei dude is chasing him!
  9. This is such a lovely video! What a wonderful resource and teaching tool. The music is beautiful and allows you to explore wherever your mind takes you on this virtual tour.
  10. it's beautiful.
  11. = Skip the Line - Grand Louvre Museum Walking Tour get it here! .
  12. Cool! I bet you had a good time! I want to go there so I can see the Mona Lisa and Eiffel Tower
  13. Well, this is all the information I need. Thanks for the video!
    packs duffel bag
  14. Amo esse lugar.
  15. anyone build this pyramid and megalo castle structure for saving more of these for food supply granary, potting planting vegetables, beans, ipomea batata, pomme de terre and all other edible food supply for all civilian when bad weather came on in our zone territory of javania and all nearby islands.
  16. I can't comprehend what it would be like to carve those sculptures from stone blocks.
  17. Music is from Kevin MacLeod; Passing Time;
  18. 謝謝
  19. Musee du Louvre
    地址:34 、36 Quai du Louvre 75001 Paris
    電話:01 40 20 50 50、01 40 20 51 51、01 40 20 53 17
    地鐵:1線 Palais Royal Musee du Louvre或 Louvre Rivoli站
       7線Palais Royal Musee du Louvre站

    巴黎的羅浮宮是腓力 奧古斯都於1180年為了防禦諾曼人和英國人而在塞納河畔所建的一座城堡,也就是當今的羅浮宮方型庭院。到了十四世紀時查理五世定居於此(1364至1380年),且將其作為自己的皇宮並增建圍牆及興建著名的圖書室。但查理五世去世後直到1545年法蘭西斯一世才委派名建築師皮耶 萊斯科(Pierre Lescot)進行改建及擴建工程,並由雕塑家瓊 顧炯(Jean Goujon)負責裝潢,使宮殿成為具半哥德式、半文藝復興式的風格。亨利二世時依然由萊斯科繼續指揮宮殿擴建工程。當亨利二世意外身亡去世後,其遺孀凱薩琳於1563年授命建築師飛利伯爾 羅洛姆(Philibert de l'Orme)於舊城牆上精心建造杜樂麗(Tuileries)宮。不久因羅洛姆去世,使得工程一度中斷。到了1594年亨利四世增建了花神樓(Pavillon de Flore),並將杜樂麗宮和羅浮宮連接起來,至此羅浮宮終告竣工。
    1643年起羅浮宮又在路易十三時進行方型庭院的擴建工程,到了路易十四才完成。由於它是由大量雕塑裝飾而成,因此成為羅浮宮建築群中最為引人注目的建築物,並於1667年完成了庫路 貝羅爾特(Claude Perrault)柱廊。 1682年路易十四竟把法國的政權遷移至巴黎近郊的凡爾賽宮,那金碧輝煌的羅浮宮竟然「吉屋出租」,到了1750年人們甚至於曾經有過拆除羅浮宮的念頭。在法國社會大革命期間也就是說1789年10月6日,在巴黎人民的請願下王室被迫重返羅浮宮。但是不到三年王室於1791年6月20日全部逃亡,羅浮宮被人民所佔領。
    歷經法國社會大革命的動盪歲月,直到1800年拿破崙的時代才又重新整修羅浮宮,在兩位名建築師培西耶(Percier)和楓丹(Fontaine)的大力擘畫下完成方型庭院,並整修內部宮殿,進而開始建造在新街李佛里(Rivoli)路邊的北翼畫廊。到1852年拿破崙三世才委派維斯康提(Visconti)將羅浮宮整體規劃成為一座龐大的皇宮及博物館。並於1857年8月14日開幕,這才算整體整修建設完成。但羅浮宮於1871年5月被暴徒縱火燒燬了杜樂麗宮,直到第三共和國時才委派拉佛爾(Lefuel)修復羅浮宮南北兩翼的花神樓及馬森館(Marson) 使羅浮宮成為今日的景觀。
  20. Thank you for sharing this video! It gives a clear idea of louver museum~
    I'm making a culture video which introduces various art museums around the world and wondering if I can use footage of your video clip for it. The completed video will be uploaded on a website where only Korean teachers can access and share teaching materials for free. The video will be only used in the classroom and I'll be very glad if I can get your permission. If you have any inquires, please contact me at Have a nice day~ :)

Additional Information:

Visibility: 122038

Duration: 6m 12s

Rating: 307