Mussolini's City - Eritrea

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

August 2004 In a small corner of Africa, Mussolini's unusual legacy survives. The Eritrean capital of Asmara is one of the world's best kept architectural secrets. Produced by ABC Australia Distributed by Journeyman Pictures


  1. think about a still italian Eritrea, it would be a beautiful and modern country, Italy is still paying veterans ascari.
  2. Fascist architecture was magnificent. Italians respected the colonised people. Long live to Italy and to Eritrea! :)
  3. what is the name of the man who appears in the video at minute 1:14? I would contact him for the studies about Italian colonialism in Eritrea. Thanks.
  4. Just takes one generation deliberately to dump down people ...: Africa her ancient civilization shows evidence in the entire world yet our history is told by those who changed, dump down our history, we need to wake up do our own research tell the true history of ours. ...use and exist in Africa the Semitic language which used from the beginning of the human being such as Aramaic/ Arabic/ Tigringa/ Tigre/ Hebrew ...all the Arab Pennisula and Africa is the same family our language is the evidence ,nobody can denied... cradle of man kind and civilization.
  5. What a shameful Eritrean history kkkkk. Long live the proud and independent Ethiopia.
  6. Benito Mussolini =Eritrea  Eritrea we should worship Mussolini ,he happen to be our identity.
  7. El Duce
  8. I love eritrean people
  9. Very cultured and beautiful city. The Eritreans built the city so why have reservations on the origins of the city. Art Deco is beautiful and a favorite of mine. Lets hope that it is kept in tact and people dont bulldoze their nice city. Im not sure that colonialism was a bad thing for africa. Africa was not a garden of eden at that point.
  10. Africa Mining Intelligence N°285 14/11/2012 ERITREA: Sunridge starts on Asmara earlier than planned Sunridge Gold Corp is scheduled to put its poly-metal Asmara project (copper, zinc, gold and silver) in Eritrea into production sooner than scheduled.
  11. FORCING YOUR SLAVE-MASTERS TO BOW FOR FREE ERITREA. "By logic, the Nation of Eritrea should not exist. The secessionist province's independence fighters ought never to have defeated Ethiopia in their 30-year-long struggle. They were outmanned, outgunned, abandoned or betrayed by every ally; their cause was hopeless. They won by force of character, a unity and determination so steely not all the modern armaments, super power support or economic superiority of Ethiopia withstand it". TIME
  12. Meucci :)
  13. You are very kind! Are you an architect, as well?
  14. We all know America is Israel's bitch in fact you are their slave , they make you work so that you can send your money to them while your country is getting strangled by neverending debt. Your nation diet is made artificial food, 70% of Americans are either obese or overwright and most of them live and depend on psych drugs.
  15. Brother I am not a fan of Mussolini . Asmara does exist since the Stone Age Neolithic , but I really have to say Mussolini's Fascists built the city as dream of a Modernist city in Africa. I am Italian and I love Eritrea , please help us promote cultural and economic programs, there is so much both countries could gain from eachothers. Viva Eritrea Viva Asmara La Bella Viva Il Popolo Eritreo
  16. This is actually the most intelligent comment I have read by far. Eritrea is a wonderful country , Italy has a moral obligation to help preserve their architectural treasures and build their infrastuctures, however Italy is cooperating in developing hospitals ,medical staff and land mine risk education . This is a magnificient country and could become a winter heaven destionation for Europeans, in spite of the sanctions imposed by the US which isolated them.
  17. Asmara is far more centuries OLDER than Italy, while the Italians may have added some variety to the ORIGINAL ASMARA made by ORIGINAL ASMARINOS, named ARBAETE ASMARA, still cuddled in the midst of the gorgeous city. GO FIGUR IT OUT !!!
  18. yet you call yourself an American...HAHAHA!!!! America is not even the name of a country!!!! America is the name of the new world columbus discovered!! i think you should do little reading on history!! MR uneducated145616 we threw mustard gas??? how about your US governmemt throwing agent orange during the vietnam war???
  19. Mr145616◄---------- hates italians...some gay italian guy put his cock up his ass

Additional Information:

Visibility: 30655

Duration: 8m 13s

Rating: 89