MVC Java Tutorial

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Get the Code Here : Support me on Patreon : Welcome to my MVC Java Tutorial. I have been asked for this tutorial many times in the last few weeks. To understand the Model View Controller you just need to know that it separates the Calculations and Data from the interface. The Model is the class that contains the data and the methods needed to use the data. The View is the interface. The Controller coordinates interactions between the Model and View. The video and code will make it very easy to understand.


  1. Would you consider making a tutorial series on the Spring framework?
  2. it is not MVC because the Controller use a method of View to update the View. If Model is modified , it notify all Views . Right?
  3. Great tutorial! This definitely cleared up a lot of confusion for me. I was just wondering though, why do you not use pack()? Are there only certain occasions for using it?
  4. Awesome. Thank you for this concise explanation: most explanations go into waaay too much detail.
  5. It would be great if you would create an MVC tutorial about PHP!!
    Your tutorials are great, thank you for making them, greetings from Mexico.
  6. Can you make tutorial for Spring MVC, Hibernate, TomCat Server on Eclipse?
  7. Derek, can you please make more videos on Java Spring? Your tutorials are the best on YouTube. You talk at right speed, you clearly think about tutorial content in advance. You are a native speaker (I probably should have skipped the last one... ). Please explain what is DI/IoC/Dao and stuff like that.
  8. Perfect video!
  9. helped a lot
  10. How do you re-correct your spell errors so quickly ?? Do you skip frames in editing?
  11. Hi Derek, can you make video about MVVM pattern? I see that is used in Android development but I don't see how it differs from MVC.
  12. is addCalculationListener() protected for a reason?

    is it fine to have it as a public method?

    great tutorial by the way, thanks
  13. Such an nice descritpion and sir do u have spring and hiberante videos?? if then plz provide me the link thnks alot ... and provide me the other link where i can learn all your video in one link
  14. Is it better for each button/menuItem/other event to have their own listener class or to put all of the events into one listener class with if/else or case statements? I believe I can do both but are there benefits/consequences of using one over of the other?
  15. nice clip! I just have a question. So it implies that each frame needs a controller or each object needs a separate controller? and if different objects have to interact with the same frame, how would you structure the code?
  16. Hi derek,
    Love your videos. Can you please do a video on mvvm and a comparison with mvc?
  17. Really helpful and understandable video! Thanks a lot man!
  18. Thank you!
  19. THANK YOU SO MUCH ! I was Looking for a simple tutorial like that on web but everything written is just impossible to understand, thanks to you now I FINALLY understand how controllers work . THANK YOU SO MUCH !
  20. PLEASE Spring tutorial , please

Additional Information:

Visibility: 261662

Duration: 13m 16s

Rating: 2966