NC State University's James B. Hunt, Jr. Library

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction The James B. Hunt, Jr. Library is more than the 21st-century face of NC State. It's a place where ideas become reality and bold ambition forges beautiful solutions to global challenges. The Hunt Library is one of the most technologically immersive learning spaces in the world, give NC State students, faculty and staff access to the high-tech tools to give life to their ideas: giant video walls to display innovative campus work and be a catalyst for large-scale visualization research, videoconferencing and multimedia production facilities to encourage collaboration across locations, all in a beautiful space designed to inspire creativity. To learn more about the Hunt Library, visit For a transcript of this video, visit


  1. So cool I was in one of those chairs at one time.
  2. Warning to people before they decide to go there: You have to move to North Carolina... uhghhh The south will riiiiise ageeeeeaan and confederate flags with rednecks calling black people niggers everywhere. Horrible southern state.
  3. Its not free its paid with taxes, common misconception.
  4. A big thank you to James B. Hunt, Jr! His brother Mike Hunt was a big contributor as well, lets have a big thank you to Mike Hunt everyone
  5. Man I go to my library and all we have are books. And they don't even have touch screen capabilities!
  6. Maybe you should go to the library more and not party so much then!
  7. Take that European universities with their free tuition
  8. i kinda want my librarys to be not filled with so much tech, just books i can get lost in for hours and i pick and read at random.
  9. What's with the officers ? Is this library military related ?
  10. Librarians? They are obsolete. The only service they could provide is assistance in finding books. A robotic book collecting service is far more efficient and organized. Plus, this place doesn't look like it needs someone to sit around all day just to "shush" people.
  11. Why is this place so beautiful?
  12. Best in the world !!
  13. Where are the librarians in this video? How does the space facilitate the librarians' needs so they can provide effective service to the patrons?
  14. Where is this; Centennial Campus??
  15. In 20 years we will all look back at the architectural design in this building and be embarrassed.
  16. The best library any University can have...just awesome!! Kudos to NC State !! :)
  17. Dios mío alguien sabrá donde encontrar ese proyecto completo. Demasiado buenooo
  18. I feel lucky our school build a new lib for us at my first year in US thank you wolfpack
  19. i love our library!! the view is truly amazing. constructed beautifully
  20. This video doesn't do the building justice. It is way more amazing in person. Proud to be a NCSU alum.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 78015

Duration: 2m 36s

Rating: 300