Neo-Capitalism - A New Frontier | Juneyoub Han | TEDxYouth@KMLA

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Juneyoub has been interested in the field of economics, especially in the area of wealth inequality. After scrutinizing upon the subject in his high school years, he seems to have received some insight from philosophers of the past. He believes that with novel thoughts of intellectuals in hand, we may possibly alter Old-Capitalism into the new system of Neo-Capitalism that could give a hand to the ones in dire need of help. Juneyoub Han is a student interested in the study of economics. Interested specifically in the thoughts of great economists who have come before, he wishes to embrace their thoughts and become an economist with “a cool mind and a warm heart” in the near future. He currently attends KMLA, a high school in South Korea. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


  1. Oh ok I thought I was writing a text message for about four sentences, but I'm not. So I guess I'll tell you what I thought about your talk: it was nice, I appreciate your sentiment, excellent high school production, you'll always look back on it with pride even if it's mingled with embarrassment.

    I liked that you mentioned OWS because it's a good event for idealists to study. I think you meant idealists when you said poets, please correct me if I am wrong about that.... I met a lot of idealists at OWS, people who had been applying their imagination to the problems you talked about.

    The consensus methods being used at OWS and in the other neighborhood Occupy groups was a slow process for anything approaching governing anything. It was more suitable for small groups and conflict resolution or group therapy. But it was an excellent way to encourage people to get involved in whichever political outlets are already available(and because all our imaginations have yet to supply an alternative).

    And finally, a fellow that I always seemed to be appalled by, I think he was a snitch even, he said something about the movement that I believe to be true even if I thought he was full of crap or worse.... He said we had a "leader-full" movement, as opposed to a leaderless movement.

    Good luck. Learn as much as you can from school and from common labor. Take care to consider the qualities that you want to cultivate in yourself and in your community. If you're not being persuasive enough rest on some humility and consider your approach. Don't forget to learn about other people's motives with compassion.

    Chew each mouthful of rice five million times. Or maybe not. Maybe go to the beach. You could try both. You could try neither....

    I bet you'll do fine.

    I gotta get back to my text message now and get to bed, work in the morning after all.


Additional Information:

Visibility: 1899

Duration: 14m 27s

Rating: 9