Neo-Safari - Coastal Cruise

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Take a ride back to the future in Neo-Safari's retro-futuristic dreamlike production, "Coastal Cruise"


  1. My mind went offline for a while. One of my fav songs ever. Also found from birp playslist, great playlists from blalock.
  2. "Take my tuba?"

    "Break my school bus?"

    "Great like Cuba?"
  3. Best video ever. Found this in BIRP albums traveling. Played it atleast 100 times
  4. cant wait to listen to this while cruisin down the bluewater coast
  5. this is dope. period.
  6. Out Run 80's Classic!
  7. soothing to the heart
  8. par excellence
  9. Totally Efffing Awesome

Additional Information:

Visibility: 8178

Duration: 4m 36s

Rating: 103