New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants. New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the easily on foot, by taxi, or via the famous subway system. No New York sightseeing is complete without a visit to Times Square, which you’ve no doubt seen in many movies. Take in its billboards, its many people, and its food, then cross over to Central Park, which comprises 850 acres of lakes and meadows, and is the setting for many a romantic comedy. You also have your pick of art and history museums, as well as the Reflecting Absence Memorial and Museum, where you can pay your respects to the victims of 9/11. Most of all, enjoy yourself, and get ready to take a bite out of the Big Apple. Visit our New York City travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Google+: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:


  1. cox bazar bangladeshi
  2. it is very nice city,isn't it?
  3. Born and raised New Yorker. Brooklyn to be exact
  4. NY is top notch.
  5. dubai is bettar then new york
  6. going to New York tommorw 😏
  7. What's the music called?
  8. Every time I get a chance to go to New York, I take it. When I return to Michigan, I feel like it had all been a dream. So many wonderful things to do and see. I'm visiting again soon, hopefully ill get the chance to visit the 5 Burroughs more. I was pleasantly surprised how safe/alive me and my wife felt, truly an experience. Just like anywhere else, if you act like an ass and take advantage of people minding there own business, you will eventually have to deal with the consequences. All and all, New York is pure Magic. Its real, its exciting and it was everything and more than I thought it could be.
  9. Omg if in New York pass a tsunami 🌊 OH GOSH
  10. I visited it last week and it's really a wonderful city. I know there's so much more than Manhattan, but my visit was mainly restricted to this part of New York. But it's sooo buys, especially the part around Times Square.
  11. WhatsApp
  12. living in sydney , Wanna go to USA oneday
  13. my dream is to go to America
  14. I heard Disney now owns NYC, sure looks like it!
  15. I figured new York had out field's see what a trick is i thought it was one name and one island by the ocean
  16. Tips from a New Yorker: visit the right neighborhoods and attractions at a good time of year (I can't recommend the winter) and you'll be blown away. If you don't, New York might not seem so beautiful. :/
  17. why this music all the time ?? nice video !!
  18. I went to new York city from late March to early April 2016. i will never forget visiting such a beautiful city! there's so much to see,and not only the iconic things. the food is cheap and pretty good and the subway is excellent! I hope anyone who wants to go,will not miss the opportunity!
  19. Best city in the world! I gotta admit it. It's just so perfect and incredible!
  20. love new York city i wont to move there when i grow up IM only 12 right now the big apple
    is my dream palce i will attend nyu

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Visibility: 5119319

Duration: 6m 1s

Rating: 21809