No-Fire Nouveau Tiles - Lesson Plan

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Tube lining is the definitive look of Art Nouveau. If kiln-glazed ceramics are not an option for your environment, this project is a fun and easy way to produce glossy, hand-painted tiles that look like the real thing. For step by step pdf instructions, a complete materials list and the national standards for visual arts, follow this link to the Blick web page:


  1. What paint and sealer would you use to paint tiles on outdoor fire pit so that it would last?
  2. This lady has perfect nails! :)
  3. is pva glue ok?
  4. where can I purchase the bisque tiles. all I can find is glazed tiles.
  5. Gads I love surfing thru youtube. You find the neatest stuff!
  6. Soo kool Thanks for sharing this!!
    Look me up in Twitter @vargasartstudio
  7. I would like to make these, but use them for coasters.  do you have suggestions for a varnish or something to make it durable, scratch resistant, and glossy.
  8. can you make this kind of art when the tile is on the wall already pls
  9. When you get to the "marbelizing" demonstration, when you dropped the black and red paint onto the tile (before you swirled them together) it reminded me of Jackson Pollack!!  I wonder how that would cure up if you just left it that way?  :)
  10. Does it have to be Jazz Gloss Tempera Paint? Or can it be any other of Tempera Paint?
  11. como puedo encontrar en mexico df. este material???
  12. thank you helped a lot for my college work..
  13. This is not a process that should be installed on a wall or used in wet areas. For more information, please contact our Product Information experts at 1-800-933-2546 or by email at info @ dickblick . com
  14. Hello, this is beautiful and easily done. Question: Can I use the finished tiles as a backsplash in the kitchen or other wet areas? Is the surface dries textured or smooth? Thanks! Lu
  15. great stuff.....
  16. This process should be done on a rigid surface like tile. Possibly canvas board will work.
  17. Can i do this on a mini canvas?
  18. Are all the original Majolica Art Nouveau tile porcelain? Thanks! Marc
  19. Thanks! I really like the Art Nouveau tiles of the very early 1900's. Can you let me know how they made they made the 3-D bass relief type of Art Nouveau tiles?
  20. great video!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 114547

Duration: 4m 7s

Rating: 657