No Man’s Sky: A Simulation Inside a Simulation?

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Are we living inside a simulation?? Tweet us! Idea Channel Facebook! Talk about this episode on reddit! Idea Channel IRC! Email us! pbsideachannel [at] gmail [dot] com Support Idea Channel on Patreon! No Man’s Sky is ... gigantic. Players traverse an entire, simulated universe exploring procedurally generated planets; there is practically no limit to what you can see. No Man Sky’s creator Sean Murray estimates that players will see maybe 1% of what the game is capable of generating. On top of that, much of the appearance and behavior of things in that universe–planets, plants, creatures, light itself–is emergent. The creators didn’t decide how stuff looks or behaves on a planet by planet basis. They made systems and rules that generate stuff and decide what happens when various stuffs mingle. Appearances and outcomes aren’t designed; they emerge. No Man’s Sky is lush and naturalistic. It’s detailed and even occasionally… life like. So this begs the question: if we’re able to simulate a universes of massive, life-like complexity–like that of No Man’s Sky–within our universe… should we wonder, or worry, that our own massive… life-like universe is itself… simulated? Today on Idea Channel we discuss No Man Sky and the Simulation Argument! Let us know what you think in the comments below! ---CHECK OUT OUR MERCH!--- T-Shirts Designed by: ---TWEET OF THE WEEK--- ---FURTHER READING & SOURCES--- ---ASSET LINKS--- All assets can be viewed in this Google Doc: ---MUSIC--- ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­------------------------­-­-­-­- Written and hosted by Mike Rugnetta (@mikerugnetta) (who also has a podcast! Reasonably Sound: Made by Kornhaber Brown (


  1. Your inside a simulation inside a simulation inside a simulation inside a simulation inside a simulation inside a simulation inside a taco inside a Taco Bell inside a kfc inside a mall inside my finger nail inside a computer inside a nuther simulation. And if you think that's enough your inside a simulation inside JOHN CENA
  2. What if we're all living inside a simulation, and everybody is complaining that our universe doesn't look as good as it did in the E3 demo
  3. I want some of your weed...
  4. who said that our particular lives are the draw of the simulation and not just integral part of a much larger showcase? we could simulate an entire universe, would we not because the lives of some people are boring?
  5. Pretty funny that the jumping off point for this video turned out to be a bunch of lies
  6. Well what if reality is a simulation but is a game? Then those pure light creators would buy copies of our universe to explore and live in. Maybe our universe is that one arcade game in Rick and Morty's arcade place. People would hop into our universe and experience an entire life in a matter our their seconds for merely entertainment purposes. Then that exec would green light our world.
  7. Basically it's the premise of Reboot. The system is a world and the User is the God of that world.
  8. Oh, Mike. Even though it was only used as a segway into the real conversation, I bet you really wish you knew what No Man's Sky was actually going to be like.

    Or maybe not. That enthusiasm we all had before the great disappointment did feel pretty good.
  9. I recommend the movie "Worlds on a wire" , it's about the same subject.
  10. Life.exe is

    Computer camagrd and deleting

    Not responding
  11. I thank PBS for the fall of their "gaming" channel and opening the doors to the Idea Channel!
  12. In light of the possible ultimate end of the universe, via big rip entropy ect, I wonder if it becomes our prerogative to do this ourselves, in order to continue life as we know it beyond the scope of our own universe in some sense and create our own for which more can be created internally.
  13. aaaaand now he's ruined his argument.
  14. I posit the creators knew EXACTLY "what would happen". They'd market their promising title on utter falsehoods & immediately cash in ALL that gamer trust for sales, then stay silent as consumers learned the truth.
  15. Who ever said the ancestor simulation would be simulated in real-time? Maybe "they" are running it because at the end they get an answer of some kind and for them it gets churned out in seconds but within all that calculation, we exist. Maybe we aren't even the point of the simulation, just a byproduct of the math. Maybe they have different laws of physics and could just be looking at how our laws of physics interact and they're just like "huh, those laws lead to a bunch of carbon based life, wow" unlike them who are defo beings of pure light ;)
  16. But then if we are a simulation, why would they create things like terrorism, pollution and murder? And what if our simulation makes a simulation for the other people? Are they just waiting for us to figure it out? And if we are in a simulation, how do they make us feel pain?
  17. Whilst it hurts my brain to think about if we are in a sim or not.
    Saying our lives aren't entertaining is a matter of perspective.
    Whilst our lives may seem relatively boring to us, humans.
    If we are a sim or in a sim, who says the creators, maintainers, users etc, who or what ever they are, don't find it entertaining or even necessary?
  18. No man's sky is not created by humans. That is, the rules and algorithms are, but the inputs to and results from the algorithms are just random noise.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 277304

Duration: 13m 32s

Rating: 6513