OAS1S™ - the no. 1 green architecture, where nature and people become 1

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

OAS1S™ is the innovative concept for the number 1 green architecture. With the unique design of houses as trees and the design of communities as forests. With the most sustainable, desirable and feasible answer to our urbanizing world of today. With the mission to improve our concrete cities by top-quality and 100% green homes. OAS1S™ creates the 21st century icon that merges architecture and nature into 1. © March 2015 OAS1S™ - Raimond de Hullu - All rights reserved


  1. Could a kitchen be placed along the bottom floor, sharing space with the dining room?
  2. needs a basement & where do you park ? A full 2 car garage under it might work. Sorry - people own cars.
  3. Nice concept and if issues regarding mobility and transportation are explored, it would seem more solid as a vision for a city. Not particularly friendly to the movement impaired though e.g. people in a wheelchair.
  4. wow, the best project, i think that you can change the form of the usual buildings that are in the world, make it happens!
  5. I had an idea like that once. I thought of zip lines to travel around (kind of like in Bioshock 2)
  6. Not sure how these are necessarily more affordable than other conventions. What is meant by "affordable"?. Also, that's a lot of stairs to climb. Not a problem for the young, I suppose. Building four stories means a lot of structural material and weight as well as a substantial foundation, no?
  7. The only downside is resident may expose themselves to potentially dangerous wild beast like big cats or snakes into their home unexpectedly...still,It is a great concept to know.
  8. Great concept, but as it says off-grid. How are people going to use internet or water or their toilet? Also, there was a guy grilling outside of the house in one of the concepts. In that environment it just spells disaster. Would there be flame-retardant laced throughout the premises or how would we prevent an area such as that from going up in flames?
  9. Basically real life Fortree City.
  10. If I could be paid "any money....any money at all" to help build these at 52 years old....I'd leave tomorrow...and I have skills.
  11. I'm the 175th to like....this is the FIRST TIME EVER, that I have NOT seen anyone "not like something"....that's an outlying anomoly.
  12. Its a good idea... but is it viable? Is there a city I can visit that has been doing this for a while and has enough information to study it extensively to stimulate more ideas?
  13. Geweldig idee... ik hoop dat de uitwerking net zo goed is. :-) tijd voor een groene benadering van de wereld.
  14. How can i get one?
  15. Amazing concept ! Make it happen !!
  16. Where can we get more information on this?
  17. I simply LOVE this.  Wow.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 81798

Duration: 2m 23s

Rating: 273