Official Trailer: UTOPIA 1.0: Post-Neo-Futurist-Capitalism in 3D!

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

20 mins. Cinemascope. Color. Stereo. 2015. 'Utopia 1.0: Post-Neo-Futurist-Capitalism in 3d!' explores the remnants of Second Life, a formerly thriving virtual 3D world, and investigates its susceptibility to the same economic pitfalls that plague our “real” world. NY Premiere: MoMA's Doc Fortnight 2016 A fully immersive version also exists for the Oculus Rift created in collaboration with Dave Tennent, Lee Tusman, and Annie Berman at Art-a-Hack, ThoughtWorks, NYC summer artist residency and was exhibited at BabyCastles Gallery, NYC in August of 2015. SYNOPSIS 'Utopia 1.0: Post-Neo-Futurist-Capitalism in 3D!' is a twenty-minute expedition through a largely abandoned virtual 3D world known as Second Life in search of utopia. It is an absurd idea, as the title suggests. There is no such thing as post-neo-futurist-capitalism just as there is no such thing as utopia. Utopia, literally defined from the Greek etymology means “no place.” Thomas More invented the word to name his invented island – a place (a “no place”) that represented a perfect society. Yet, despite its existence, our very notion of progress depends on our ability to imagine utopia, to imagine a better world. This film is not even in 3D. but rather depicts a 3D rendered world in 2D. But more than mere trickery, the title reaches for the imaginary while suggesting that something better is yet to come. This piece is currently available for exhibition. CONTACT: Annie Berman, Fish in the Hand Productions +1 617-320-3219


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 55

    Duration: 0m 0s

    Rating: 1