One Tiny Apartment Transforms into many Rooms

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

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  1. I'm in love with those tinted windows! Something about that orange/amber glow makes me think of sci fi movies.
  2. tiny home
  4. 朋友 睇 你間 屋  好似往監監倉
  5. amazing
  6. SeRiOuSlY? ok this is pretty cool, but i hav a sofa-bed, n just to transform tht i feel so tiring, i wudnt evn dream of moving the whole house tht way evryday! :P
  7. This is pretty awesome but people won't have the time or energy to move the walls and store away the bed etc. Most just can't be bothered. 
  8. This is awesome. 
  9. Now that is clever. Not sure it would upscale to a family each wanting different rooms simultaneously, but damn clever all the same
  10. kullanışlı ama art yapıyı nasıl oluşturmuş o ayrı bir mükemmel.
  11. That's quite some workout everyday. But it would be horrible if in the future human can only be living in such small space.
  12. Am i the only one wondering were his toilet is?!!
  13. yellow windows somehow make me think of Deus Ex and future town)
  14. smart man
  15. "Hold on I have to take a dump, let me just move this wall, and this wall, and this wall, and this wall, and this wall, and this wall"
  17. cost just over $218,000, and he bought the space for $45,000
  18. the upgrade was probably more expensive than the apartment
  19. pretty cool! it would suck to have to move all of those things if youre impatient, sick, or have a hurt body part (hard, ankle, etc.) but overall this is an awesome looking apartment
  20. That section with the couch and TV 3 feet from it is all I would need. Now where did I slide my Xbox?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 140558

Duration: 4m 4s

Rating: 870