OOP 2015 Keynote - Robert C. Martin ("Uncle Bob"): Agility and Architecture

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Do agile methods abandon architecture for speed? Do they replace good design decisions with mindless testing? Are agile methods just another way to hack-and-slash systems together without the appropriate discipline, due-diligence, and documentation? In this Keynote Robert C. Martin describes how the principles of Agile Software Development lead to rich and robust architectures, high degrees of discipline, due consideration of design and architecture, and all appropriate levels of documentation.


  1. genius
  2. I want to see an implementation of what he proposes
  3. Uhm, there was an avalanche of design patterns. So much so that the anti-pattern movement started.
  4. Is this leading us into CQRS?
  5. Did he say the first woman lived 120,000 years ago or 120 million years ago?
  6. 40:00-40:50 - another picture is commented
  7. if you're writing an application with a web front end, you have a lot of javascript business logic offering the ability to do client side awesomeness, how can that be independent?
  8. from 39:30 he's referring to this slide http://imgur.com/HXjEBAz video editor got it wrong :)
  9. I saw a dozen of his talks and even though he's funny and entertaining, I can't seem to say that he can get his message across. In fact, when you see the end of this video I think the crowd seem to think the same.
  10. This was very good! Thank you.
  11. I love that he has fun when he speaks. It's contagious.
  12. He's like a tech Lewis Black
  13. Great speaker.
  14. Biological Parent concept is good :)
  15. I love this guy
  16. As always - Uncle Bob rocks! :)
  17. Someone should make a gif of that "Don't know, don't care, not important" part @ 25:40
  18. Great presentation. As a new programmer changing my career into software development, I always enjoy watching Uncle Bob's vids.
  19. Invitation :- Welcome all You Tubers to earn more money from youtube platform for more details :- goo.gl/zFJPHK
  20. Genetics is not Robert's thing. It kind of taints the whole presentation if you start with mistakes.
    Ancestry lines will intertwine if you follow them, but you will not end up with Adam and Eve (because this would simply be too small a gene-pool). So, unless you go way back to the bacteria we evolved from, you will not be able to single out that one root (besides population is a changing matter over time, so if one does regard population over several generations it becomes a function over time, and since the 1500s round about 100 billion people have lived). Bacteria simply do not have the intelligence, to either choose names or even reflect on their own existence.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 47632

Duration: 41m 5s

Rating: 539