Otis Modern Art 13: Edges and Resistance Pt 2: Art Nouveau

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

It is the end of the 19th Century, and the French La Belle Epoque. Art Nouveau became popular in all aspects of life, from furniture to the famous Paris Metro stations. The curving line was part of everything.


    These Lectures have been very informative, enlightening and intriguing. I love the way the works/artists have been analysed by technique and innovation having in mind social concerns of the period. You've provided us with many areas of focus: The real (Photography) vs Idealised academic, The flaneur, etc... You even addressed male nudes during Salon Time, Something which no art historian ever goes over.

    +OtisCollege  Please Upload more Otis Modern art history lectures.
    Dr. Parme G  You are a great speaker who is easy to understand and goes fully in depths into the material. I would love to see you continue this series and tackle movements such as Fauvism,German/Expressionism, Cubism, Section Dor, Orphism, Suprematism, constructivism,Surrealism,Abstraction,Pre World War II European/American Art, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, etc...

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3528

Duration: 13m 24s

Rating: 13