Outside in design: the architectural style Australia leads

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Elegant alfresco spaces for entertaining and a smooth flow from the interiors of a home to outdoors are today among the highest priorities for property buyers in Australia. And this architectural style is now influencing the world. While most new houses are specifically designed with this in mind, older prestige properties increasingly are undergoing major renovations to ensure they also fit current lifestyles. Goran Stojanovic X.Pace Design Group architect, who in 2000 undertook a $2.5 million project to modernise a 1927 Hunters Hill home, is one who has worked on converting a British influenced older home into a property that now embraces its surroundings. “It was a very classic, traditional house which didn’t have a good interface at all between the inside and outside so we had to re-jig the whole house in order to create that,” says Stojanovic. The transformation has paid off. Today the property’s main living areas feature full-length windows and wide verandah’s that take in the harbour view. “That kind of change is always absolutely worth the investment because traditional houses were based around the British model, and very enclosed,” he says.It seems bizarre that some of those designs, the result of Britain’s ‘windows tax’ where people reduced the size of their windows to pay less tax, were transferred from 17th-century Britain to 21st-century Australia!” Historically in Australia it was mainly during the interwar years that we started to open up our homes to the outside, says Harriet Edquist, professor of architectural history in the School of Architecture and Design at RMIT University. “The modernist movement played a part in that and also we started to have the technology in the early 20th-century that allowed us to have glazed walls and large expanses of glass. Saya membuat video ini dengan Pembuat Rangkai Slide YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/upload)


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