P&O Destinations: Napier, New Zealand

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Located by the sea, Napier is dubbed the Art Deco capital of the world. The city was rebuilt in the early 1930's following a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake. The new buildings reflect the architectural styles of the time -- Stripped Classical, Spanish Mission and Art Deco. Napier's Art Deco is unique and features Maori motifs and design elements. Every year more than 20,000 people take a guided Art Deco walk through Napier's streets, which take place every day except Christmas Day. The Art Deco collection is one of the largest in the world. http://www.pocruises.com.au/findacruise/destinations/pages/new-zealand-napier-port.aspx


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 197

    Duration: 0m 0s

    Rating: 1