Paris, Roman d'une Ville (1991)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

A documentary by Stan Neumann with François Loyer. - From the Haussmann era to the construction of the boulevard périphérique, this is the story of how Paris became a vibrant metropolis.


  1. paris n'est plus paris. comme toutes les grandes villes, le petit peuple disparaît du centre ... du shopping et des musées.. un grand centre commercial... un grand ''mall''... paradis du dieu-argent... paris n'appartient plus aux parisiens
  2. Je pense avoir reconnu la voix narrateur ...un comédien inconnu en 1991 mais qui deviendra plus tard "François berleand"!
  3. Dear all, I know my wish is so naive, but I really would like to get some e-mail contact or any other possible contact to Stan Neumann. Or if someone knows some company or place, which I can contact and ask there to leave a message for Mr. Neumann... I have searched the internet, but I haven´t found any contact, any facebook or linked in contact...nothing :-( I would really appretiate that! Thank you and have a nice day.
  4. Absolutely stunning visually.
  5. Does anyone know if a subtitled version of this film exists?
  6. Super document sur Paris (ma ville) vu autrement, très original et instructif, j'aime beaucoup...
  7. Devastated I paid a fortune for this.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 32394

Duration: 49m 0s

Rating: 138