People In Glass Houses (1967) Designing Glass 1960s Office Architecture That Stays Cool In Sunlight

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

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  1. Fascinating.  For as long as I can remember, I've worked in offices with small windows and artificial light on all day. The idea of working in an office with just daylight coming in seems rather quaint and old-fashioned. I recently moved to a new corner office with two big windows.  I switch off the lights and just illuminate using the daylight, but people pass me by because they think I've gone out!

    They give the example of Norgas House in the film.  Doing some Googling, I found this article from 2012 - funny how what was innvoative and modern one day becomes an eyesore in the future:

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2657

Duration: 22m 51s

Rating: 13