POLISH COPPER WITH LEMON AND SALT - SOOO Easy! How to Clean Copper & Brass:Sprig Barton

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Polish Copper and Brass to an eye-tingling sheen! If you like shiny stuff, watch this and see how easy it is to shine metal with lemon and salt. Notice that I used lemon bits that would be thrown away, no need to go buy a new lemon, I use the waste from making lemon marmalade. Always wear rubber gloves,kitchen gloves,hobby gloves, or even latex gloves when polishing to stop your nails and cuticles being torn to shreds! If you want, you are welcome to watch my lemon jelly video: http://youtu.be/NRhwVxwCZu0 I am also making a lemon curd demo, I love lemon curd because it has butter in it! Remember not to leave the lemon and salt on the copper too long and it might damage the item, also, becareful if you try lemon on glass, wipe off quickly because lemon can etch some glass. Once when I was young, I bought a commercial glass cleaner and I squirted all the mirrors in the house, then went around polishing them, I forgot to wipe one off, and when I did, the mirror had been etched with droplets. Always wear rubber gloves,kitchen gloves,hobby gloves, or even latex gloves when polishing to stop your nails and cuticles being torn to shreds!


  1. Does the salt melt in the acid of the lemon? or, does it retain it's form and is there as an abrasive? Have you ever had scratches from the salt? Thank you.
  2. Really loved it
  3. When life gives you lemons, polish copper!
  4. after cleaning it comes back again
  5. Hi there... just to let you know i tried it and it works LOL cool.

    Lemon, salt, sponge... just rubbed the crud off hardly any rubbing, awesome thanks
  6. Hi, nice video. Do you have any tips for cleaning kitchen tiles and grout ?????
  7. nice vid, a little tip though: let it sit, it's chemistry, no scrubbing needed
  8. Thanks. You're a life saver :)
  9. did you use lemon or lime?
  10. Thanks a lot! It's so great to find a use for lemon scraps. Can't wait to try it.
  11. J'aimerais avoir la traduction en français, possible?
  12. Hvala lepo.
  13. its pure copper ? Or mixed with other metal?
  14. Hi spring i clean my copper jug with vinegar and salt . But it starts to turn dark in 2 days . Lemon and salt is more good to dont make it dark quickly ?
  15. hi
    i have table it has some scratches and little oxidation do you think its help if I do your way?thanks
  16. that's one woman I like to get drunk
  17. Actually, Ketchup is much easier & no scrubbing!
  18. Beautiful and thankyou for adding the up tempo at the end
  19. Put some wet baking soda in your hand and rub dirty copper, you'll see! :)

Additional Information:

Visibility: 173692

Duration: 6m 32s

Rating: 339