PostHuman: An Introduction to Transhumanism

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

We investigate three dominant areas of transhumanism: super longevity, super intelligence and super wellbeing, and briefly cover the ideas of thinkers Aubrey de Grey, Ray Kurzweil and David Pearce. Official Website: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Written by: Peter Brietbart and Marco Vega Animation & Design Lead: Many Artists Who Do One Thing (Mihai Badic) Animation Script: Mihai Badic and Peter Brietbart Narrated by: Holly Hagan-Walker Music and SFX: Steven Gamble Design Assistant: Melita Pupsaite Additional Animation: Nicholas Temple Other Contributors: Callum Round, Asifuzzaman Ahmed, Steffan Dafydd, Ben Kokolas, Cristopher Rosales Special Thanks: David Pearce, Dino Kazamia, Ana Sandoiu, Dave Gamble, Tom Davis, Aidan Walker, Hani Abusamra, Seong-jin Seo, Nicolas Reynolds, Florent Berthet, Rémi Marenco, Keita Lynch


  1. Historically, racism and sexism were attacked by challenging the perceived inferiority of other races and women, and nCarid superiority of the victimizer. Activists would highlight common traits that were put forth as more important than skin colour or gender, such as the ability to reason, or to worship a deity. They endeavored to widen the circle of compassion and respect by emphasizing the similarities not differences.
    Animal rights activists use the same tactic and the most popular argument may be summarized in this way: Humans feel pain, non human animals feel pain, therefore we ought to treat the latter with respect and concern for their well being and not expose them to unnecessary cruelty through systematic industrial exploitation. Sentience and not reason is the true criteria for moral consideration and many species share this attribute (while some humans do not possess it and are yet afforded rights). Therefore, extending at least some rights to non humans is a moral obligation, a duty. Just. Fair. To deny this is to be speciesist, the equivalent of being racist or sexist.
    But the popular animal rights argument does not address the full spectrum of philosophical motives of humans who are either ignorant of, or opposed to animal rights. Some might say scientific research needs to be done to be sure a species meets the qualifications of sentience, or they may say sentience does not matter to them, only a specific kind of reason/intelligence, or an "immortal soul," or the fancy of an invisible creator, or, they might say life is full of pain and cruel, and why should we care about reducing suffering when it goes on unabated in the wild? Or they might say that ethics are irrelevant, every species is speciesist and humans have a natural gut instinct to stick together. Often, the animal rights debater requires that the listener accept their own ethical system, even if it requires abandoning a theistic world view for a secular one. George Bernard Shaw observed: "Religion is a great force - the only real motive force in the world; but you must get at a man through his own religion, not through yours."
    Lurking behind every single type of argument used to defend human exploitation of Nature and non human lifeforms is what may be called a common religious notion, that humans as a group, are better as an absolute objective unquestionable truth to all other life, according to criteria that is conveniently determined by those who stand to benefit from the claim and discrimination/exploitation of other life. This belief is often taken for granted as if an axiom, and usually not expressed in precise terms, with good reason, as it leads to the Regress argument. An absolute is the final answer to a question. If you can question it, how can it be absolute? For every why there is a because and for every because another why. A belief in human supremacy is subject to many a why.
    Despite this doubt, it is so accepted that it permeates the language. To be kind is to be humane, to be evil is to be inhumane, or nonhuman. You are a pig, a rat, a dog, a wolf in sheep's clothing. A weasel. A stool pigeon. If you are not human you are subhuman, a monkey, a snake in the grass, a cockroach. A worm. Either wicked, stupid, irrational or useless.
    If you are a Theist you call it Dominionism or the Great Chain of Being. If you are a Darwinist you call it evolution, or Top of the Food Chain. Animal welfarists and hunters will claim they are meant to be Stewards or Managers of the natural world. If you are treated like an animal it is bad. Or you behave like an animal it is bad. To compare non human suffering to the Holocaust is called insulting and obscene(although the word holocaust in Hebrew meant "the sacrifice of a male animal on the altar of God"--ironic that it can be used to suggest victimization of humans but not for the originally defined victims). Humans are higher animals, the rest are lower. Animals are an "it." You do not execute them in shelters, you "destroy" them, like furniture.
    Some have criticized the concept of human superiority. Jonathan Swift lampooned it in Gulliver's Travels. Mark Twain did the same in the Damned Human Race and satirically noted that it was humans who were inferior to other animals: "Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to." This view is often called misanthropic, which usually carries the definition of hatred. It is very often compared to racism or declared an irrational, anti-social philosophical stance, and rarely defined as a belief that humans cannot be trusted, or as a critical appraisal of human nature (one could ask whether white abolitionists who criticized the actions of their race and class would also be called hateful).
    In animal rights language this supremacy belief is sometimes called Specieism but that is an inaccurate and problematic description. Speciesism (like the term Anthropocentrism) invites dubious suggestions that it is unavoidable, other species do the same, and that it is not necessarily negative or connected to an articulated belief in supremacy. As far as we can observe, only humans can engage in it. We have no proof that lions walk around thinking: "Lions are better than everything else. We deserve special rights." This fact will be of importance to the animal rights argument that is to follow.
    the concept of supremacy extends beyond humans believing they are better as a species to all others. Despite their promotion of democratic ideals, the ancient Greeks considered those who did not speak their language to be barbarians. Many people, from the Inuit to Jews to the Chinese to Germans to Serbians to the Japanese at one time or another have regarded their group as better or more worthy of special consideration than others, based on race, or language, or religion or a myriad of criteria. Although there are laws in place to discourage discrimination against and predation upon other humans, it still occurs. This fact will become of vital importance to the animal rights argument that is to follow.
    The concept of universal human rights did not exist until the 20th century, and even today, despite efforts to promote it as a unifying moral code, many humans continue to think they are better than other humans according to race, or skin colour, or class, religion, appearance, wealth, or ideology, and take actions based upon such thinking. We still have war, crime, injustice, human slavery. All based upon one or more humans who think their interests are more important than another.
    Those that champion human rights will agree that being white or Christian or male is trivial and subjective. But, if they oppose non human rights, they still hold to another criteria--some attribute that they deem as being important, just as the pro slavery white Christian male did 200 years ago.
    Definitions for this criteria of value include the faculty of reason or some kind of special intelligence, a soul, the blessing of a divine creator(s), essential goodness(as opposed to non human life's alleged essential wickedness), the ability to comprehend moral concepts, or reciprocity in moral conduct, creative ability(even though a tiny minority compose symphonies and some paintings by elephants can be difficult to distinguish from those by abstract expressionists), or a bundle of special qualities, or a faculty x which is never specifically defined beyond A (human) is greater than B (nonhuman).in 2012 Scientists proclaim Animal and Human Consciousness the Same…/scientists-proclaim-animal-and-human… All of these criteria and any other brought forth to suggest human supremacy have two inherent problems.
    One is that often the criteria meant to distinguish humans from non humans cannot be universally applied to humans and/or excluded from non humans. Case in point, some humans are more intelligent than others. Does that mean the ones who are less intelligent deserve fewer rights if "intelligence" is so important? If not, then why? Usually the fall back is to another criteria, which can then be questioned, and another fall back criteria may be highlighted which is again questionable.
    Some claim that humans possess a faculty of reason-or cognitive ability to control and govern their behavior that "irrational" non humans do not possess (i.e. the ability to understand rules, duties, obligations, and causality, as well as having a theory of mind). And yet--who starts wars for ideology or non essential resources? Who pollutes rivers? Who overpopulates itself without natural checks? Who will engage in violence for recreation, or commit dangerous even self destructive acts? Gophers? Spider Monkeys? It is always one species--human. The stupidest acts committed on this planet are done by human beings. The cruelest acts are committed by humans. It may be true that some humans will self sacrifice to save another--but other humans will do the opposite, save themselves by putting someone else into harm's way. And non humans have been documented exhibiting altruistic behavior (both within species and beyond). In vicious experiments conducted on rats and Rhesus monkeys, the victim would spare themselves from a shock if they performed an act that would harm another of their kind, and yet they refused to do so. However, humans in similar situations such as the Milgram experiment, were willing to (simulated without them knowing it) shock another human simply because they were told to by an authority figure. The most violent domestic cat does not erect arenas or stadiums designed so that other cats can watch and take pleasure from the suffering of mice, knowing that they are causing suffering. As Mark Twain observed: "Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it." Humans are capable of mental torment, verbal abuse, and taking pleasure from knowing that they are causing suffering to someone else. This is uniquely human. I
  2. I love the fact that it will help people with handicap to have easier lives, but I hate everything else. We are NOT mature enough to have this level of control over life. We will mess everything up, and destroy ourselves and everything around us. We will get more and more depressed I guarantee you. Wellbeing means nothing if there is no suffering. Happiness is utterly useless if pain is lacking. But it seems that we will learn this the hard way...
  3. Creo que necesita debatirse mas estos puntos
  4. In the introduction it says that humans 2.0 will have a living thinking creator but at the same time they try to convince us (the original humans) that we are a result of an "unguided natural phenomenon" They don't even believe their own lies! If we got here by accident then wouldn't the next humans get here by an "unguided natural phenomenon" too? What a bunch of BS! Where's all the half human/ape people? Why do we still have apes on this planet if they evolved into humans? Science is still looking for that elusive "missing link". Every time they think they found an example it always proves to be a hoax. Why? Because evolution always has and always will be just a "theory" that's why! TOTAL HYPOCRITES! 👎👎🤦‍♂️
  5. you can already change human behaviour for the better using drugs
  6. What about "Super Morality" ?
  7. The paint roller... among humanities most defining tools
  8. I can see this happening when humanity have finally reached the stars.
    Multi planetary civilizations and space stations throughout our solar system and beyond.

    Longevity for humans sounds great, but what about overpopulation?, what if everyone wants to become immortal, would this planet even be able to sustain that?.

    It makes sense for space exploration..
  9. You people actually want to be transhuman robots? COME ON!!!
  10. To all these people who have these irrational fears when it comes to reverse aging or transhumanism, what you should really fear is your slowly dying body, it is a very painful and slow process for most of the people with many unable to do the most basic things for many years before they die. the risk of cancer and many, many other horrible deseases grows exponentionially with age and it is proven that this is directly related to aging. Also, dont you agree that every medical treatment that you get today is in the end for the sole purpose of either letting you live or to kill pain? Further, would you get a transplantation or an artificial limb if needed? If the answers are yes than please, stop with the annoying hypocricy. People have always been fearful of every Technology in history, you decide if you want to be part of these people.
  11. Warframe the orokin
  12. we eat, we fuck, we die. we pass on our genes to the next generation, darwinian evolution is not about slowly improving or getting better over time it just favours those traits that suit the environment. we construct the ideal of what is better or improved, so if we do attain that level of control who will decide what traits are better? do we have the wisdom to decide this? will our super intelligent offspring be able to understand the full ramifications of the choices they will be making for their future generations? We basically exist to pass on our genes to the next generation we dont really need to be super intelligent individuals to be able to do this. so perhaps we should be asking what our purpose should be. If i was going to live forever and look like gods gift then I certainly would not want to be trapped in the consumercaust nightmare that we are living in today. I'd want to explore the universe what would you do with eternity?
  13. One day super intelligent life will be more intelligent than us, than we are more intelligent than our closest related apes. Our modern intelligence may even be seen as primitive.
  14. i'm excited to see what the future brings!
  15. Man becoming Gods.....that was the first mistake in the Garden....will happen again in the future! No thanks..Check please!!!!!
  16. you will all burn in hell. you are liars. the cunt narrating this video will be diagnosed with throat cancer in the festive period
  17. Amazing, but the problem of life and post death remain in totally sign..not in artificial system we bring the solution of our souls
  18. why don't we just take our heads out of our rear ends and realize that we are humans and we're created for a purpose. we are created to WORK! If your aggressive or if your angry maybe work on yourself instead being a fantasy lunatic and try to abolish anger and agression. if your depressed go out and find some meaning in life... oh I know right your all a bunch of socialists who think everything should be handed to you on a silver platter in exchange for you doing squat
  19. It's inevitable. Give it 100 years or so.
  20. I'm coming from 2093. I'm one of a few human living. There was TDO(Transhumanism Development Organization) between 2023-2085 . They did most of these in this video and more. It was good in the beginning but later it caused something we couldn't predict. We didn't care small problems in the beginning, and went on to develop more. Some people died but TDO hid them. Most of the people had these 'developments' in 2075. Later, when our genes changed more than %20, we noticed that nature don't help us to cure disease from these improvements in our genes. Vegetables and meats don't have the necessary nutritions, vitamins and proteins for us. Then, scientist tried to invent transvegetables and transmeats, they did something better than organic foods but those weren't enough. In this point when world leaders was horrified, the world war 3 began(2077). I and a few people who reject to change their genes created a secret organization and, found and went to an relatively big island where no human exist in Pasific ocean(2078). Fortunately we had great engineers, scientiest, farmers, teachers and more to create a new life. In 2085, we had the technologies equal to the year 2003. In that year, we decided to learn what had happened from 2078 to 2085. What we found was some residual from the war but there was nothing from humans. Until 2093 we used the technologies from the transhumans and developed a lot. A day ago, we have finally found how to send message to the past. Here I am. I'm begging you, don't do this and save the humanity. Revolting to nature is nothing but disaster. PLEASE, STOP!!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 185964

Duration: 11m 11s

Rating: 3703