Prairie Style

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The Prairie style of architecture was developed in Chicago by Frank Lloyd Wright. To discover all about his Prairie Style, Meghan Carter of visited the Robie House, the quintessential Prairie Style house, to learn the characterisitecs of the Prairie Style and what made it so significant to American architecture.


  1. The exterior of this house is very heavy and massive. It does not look like a house to me. For as famous as it is I don't think it is a better house than William Martin or Willits. I love so much of FLW but this very famous house just never did anything for me.
  2. Informative vid by a seriously hot woman. 5*
  3. not lame.... good job, i thought it was from some documentary channel,,, good stuff. plus im doing an essay on this house so it really helped,, thanks
  4. not lame, thanks very useful. Hot as well
  5. thanks for this entertaining interview. it is very useful for my project.
  6. this is very useful for my project about "robie house and FLW".. thanks for this entertaining interview.
  7. Okay, well I'm sorry that this went directly to you. I didn't realize the interviewer was YOU!? ha.. ANyway.. I would love to do what you are doing.. But ya.. you TOTALLY need to relax, Don't try to "know" the topic so much you are speaking about, let the GUESTS (who are the experts) talk about it, and you guide the interview and areas of focus. Have fun, relax! Just my two cents.
  8. Don't listen to the tard, its good, and I thought it was an actual tv show
  9. Uhh? I'm not even a decorative person and I think more people should be watching! Good job. Stuff like the glass etching was awesome. Never knew you could do that. It looks like an actual tv show. thank you
  10. uhh? this actually looks like a tv show. I think more people should be watching actually. good job, And Im not even a "decorating" type of person. Of course that means some of it I liked more than others. The glass etching imo was awesome. Never knew you could do that.
  11. this interviewer girl is lame.. ha.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 12166

Duration: 6m 58s

Rating: 40