Programming Architecture - Voronax - Structural Engineering inspired by Nature

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction The link to our video where we explain the automation in structural engineering: The link to our video where we explain how Voronax is used in structural optimization: In this video we are talking about the structure developed by Milos Dimcic at the Stuttgart University in 2008 as a part of his PhD. The structure is generated as a "relaxed" Voronoi Diagram and thus named Voronax (Voronoi + Relax). More information can be found on our website, where you can also download the complete PhD Thesis in PDF format (in the Publications section). These are the links where you can download the Voronax plug-in: We talk about the shift in thinking in structural design. The attempt to design by (re)arranging "cells" instead of lines and points (structural members and joints). With this slightly different approach we can play with structural density like nature does, without losing the aesthetic qualities and at the same time optimizing our structures statically. The video explaning static optimization with Voronax: The video explaining how the whole static analysis and production process of similar structures can be automated: The methods are developed in C++ in form of a plug-in for Rhinoceros 3D. The pictures of microorganisms are from the book "Art Forms from the Ocean" from Ernst Haeckel. Music by Milos Dimcic. The short "plant adaptation" videos appearing for couple of seconds are: Stay free! Milos Dimcic Dr.-Ing.


  1. ok my only question is how i build that structurally to maintain the intergrity of the skin effect
  2. This is a cool project, but the fundamental flaw that I have is I'm yet to be convinced that nature is the best guide when it comes to constructing sustainable and robust structures. The most complex structures like human decay and fall to pieces in about 80 years and only grow to a maximum of 7ft. Trees grow a bit bigger and are more structurally sound, but they're still dwarfed by many man made structures.
  3. Thank you for doing this, I believe that we can learn so much from how nature does things, I want to develop software that mimics biological methods to transfer and sort data. You have done what I am trying to do, but for Architectural purposes. This is really inspiring and I wish you the best of luck.
  4. I believe the ancients had a keen awareness of natural laws, but what you say goes more far into complex intricate systems...I would also love to see that come to life, great idea..perhaps someday I will work with these ideas in mind.
  5. Yes if its not complicated like grasshopper...
  6. Kudos !!! Great wok, I am a Structural Engineering student, would love to design that kind of structure one day.
  7. Thank you.
  8. I have similar perspective in regard to learning from nature's way of balancing the forces and maintain equilibrium. I really appreciate your study and work, I hope in future our structures are 'Bio-mimicked'!
  9. Very Nice! But I would like to see how do you actually build something in real life. 3D Printing doesn not count.
  10. wow! i am architecture student and i find it very inspiring
  11. that's the future right there!!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 34993

Duration: 5m 19s

Rating: 303