Race Car, Yulianna

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Support your Artist Please BUY "Race Car" on Itunes, for only .99 cents http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/la-la-land/id324736293 Director Waleed Moursi, Producer Kelly Rigg, Dp Byron Werner, Editor Garry Ashton 1AD Jamar Hawkins, Art Department De Veaux, Costumes Marco Marco, Producer Robin Nixon, Composer Alexander Bubenheim. pop retro neo/futuristic fun innovative kids adult slapstick Adriana Barrera, Akilah Lane, Aria Azar, Darrin Burrell, Dev Anand, Elaine Chu, Jeff Jackson, Jason Sensation, Jessica Elder, Jill Holes, Johnny Ray, Lizette Padila, Melissa Moses, Aleesha Varley, Michael Taylor Gray, Dina Moursi, Kelsey Reinhardt, Monique Chantel, Noel Lee, Pamela Stark, Sabrina Morales and Victoria Lewis, Omar Rodriguez Diaz, Ana Maria Alvarez, Raelyn Tepper, Special Thank you to Yuri Ginatulin, Victoria King, Kodak, Panavision and Rick DeLisle, Deluxe, Happy Place, LLC., Atomic Studios, Chicken Lady, Stirling Insurance, JL Fisher (Dolly), Gomezound, Nic Trikonis Photography, Zack Spiger 2nd camera and director of behind the scenes footage, Jarrod Butler play back, Rob Simas, Michael Scott, and Robin Nixon. Hector Pocasangre, Donny Lodico, Ryan Middlemiss, Nehehemiah Clark, Maryam Amini, Jamie Cavanaugh, Kairi Kushnie, Shane English, Joshua Turner, Yev Shrayber, Contra-Tiempo Dance Company, First Frame Sound and Picture.


  1. RACE CAR CREW Won the Music Video Award from the Colorado Film Festival! Congratulations!!!! Please spread the word and support your artist purchase the song on itunes now for only .99!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. thank you for checking out our video! please spread the word and subscribe to mu channel! Yulianna
  3. Not bad, Waleed. You sure know your cinematic craft. Congrats on the artistic expression. Your ol' pal Fred Martindelcampo
  4. Awesome.. good job girl!!!
  5. wonderful work!!! excellent video! :)
  6. Awesome performance by an amazing artist!!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2660

Duration: 3m 10s

Rating: 11